11th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Dragonic

    Dragonic Aquatic Astronaut

    I think it would be a good idea to have a whole CUT SCENE Cough Cough...
    Dedicated to Donament, Probably like really later on as a patch or even when no-one expects it.
    I love that kinda stuff :D

    Regards, Dragonic
  2. Pup

    Pup Big Damn Hero

    When you first started the updates I expected them to come weekly, and was quite surprised that you decided to do daily ones. Fair play for (mostly) sticking to it since then, but I think it's definitely the right decision to just do one a week :)
  3. Cosmicwaffle

    Cosmicwaffle Poptop Tamer

    Lunaea, Molinware and Stowaway like this.
  4. critiasConfined

    critiasConfined Aquatic Astronaut

    That is an atrocity that can not be stood for. I will burn myself in protest of their removal, you have been warned.
    Earthboundtothestars likes this.
  5. FerretBoy

    FerretBoy Aquatic Astronaut

    This update was magnificent! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us Friday.
  6. Unclever title

    Unclever title Cosmic Narwhal

    And now everybody's first character is going to be named things like:
    Beefjim, Baconjeff, Muttonsteve, Turkeylee, Chickenjen, Steaknick, and Porkbert

    Gonna be a lot of Porkberts. Cause I honestly think that's best one off the top of my head here.
  7. fraxyl

    fraxyl Master Chief

    How could you take Beefjim out?! YOU MONSTERS. :mad:
  8. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

  9. Timeolord

    Timeolord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That was great! RIP Donament.
  10. SteelSoldier

    SteelSoldier Existential Complex

    I am really digging the glitch armor, it looks fantastic!
  11. Lavranzo

    Lavranzo Pangalactic Porcupine

  12. Xobotun

    Xobotun Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh! Seems that weekly updates are going to be pretty neat!
    Does anyone know how to make Friday come faster?:)
  13. Mykin

    Mykin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I guess I don't mind weekly updates as long as they are like this. Good job as always. I look forward to next time.

    Oh and a moment of silence to remember the heroic(?) death of Donament.


    Well, that's long enough. Time to fill up the popcorn bowl so I can watch the next person make horribly stupid decisions on a whim and get eviscerated by them.

    There's a chronosphere in the back. No one uses it though, on the account of copy right infringement or something. Not to mention that no one has ever used it to travel to the future so I really don't know how that would work. If you manage to survive the trip with your skin intact, I'd like to hear about the experience. Anyway, back to getting popcorn.
  14. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    The flaw in that plan is that someone could half-edit the blog post and forget to complete it which would be a bit embarrassing when it automatically posted! Otherwise a good plan.
  15. aioso

    aioso Tentacle Wrangler

    I hope devs realize if they don't release soon there will be a number of testers who can't help till next year. Since we have holiday then term projects then finals then another real busy holiday. Keep those poor people in mind and not just those back out in the real world with time on their hands, disposable income, and steam sales coming to take up game time away.
  16. EmGeHo

    EmGeHo Cosmic Narwhal

    People seem to be getting upset by this, I just think it makes the wait a lot easier. I always thought this was the case when I read peoples comments about how the weekly updates would mean a much longer wait until the beta, but seeing Molly actually reply with this is damn nice.
  17. Earthboundtothestars

    Earthboundtothestars Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the new Forum layout.... 'tis very nice. (with the HUD of my points, likes, and messages in the top right corner of my screen).
  18. WickedWitch

    WickedWitch Big Damn Hero

    I can see a rise to fan made screenie based comics.

    "The amazing story of Captain [Insert Name] as they travel across the galaxy. As they go on adventure, exploring [Insert Planet Name]. Where they encounter the horrible [Random Monster Name]. Will they ever escape with their newly befriended companion [Insert Another Name]....oh no a monster ate them both alive."

    Or is that just me who thinks that?
    steveduck2345 and Maruku like this.
  19. Chrono_Sounds

    Chrono_Sounds Master Chief

    One of my favorite updates so far, keep up the good work!
    And i ain't too bothered about Friday updates and I'd rather have a big interesting update every week than a rushed, slightly dull daily update.
  20. QuaziPance

    QuaziPance Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think you guys should just do one of these "adventures of..." things every week instead of updates. Much more interesting than "squashed bugs in x, improved y by adding z, etc. etc."

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