11th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    He was a good man. He will be missed.
    steveduck2345 likes this.
  2. DaydraStardust

    DaydraStardust Void-Bound Voyager

    Hehe love the little story Molly, thank you for the update. ^^
    DelaF0nK likes this.
  3. Danahi

    Danahi Astral Cartographer

    Halt who goes there?

    couldn't help thinking back of that haha.

    weekly news good! Let us go betabound!
  4. Shibiviz

    Shibiviz Space Hobo

    Donaments philosophy of life: Be randomly generated --> run around --> find castle --> die
    Atleast she got to see some awesome dino's, castle's and a lance being pierced into her body!
  5. Skitz

    Skitz Big Damn Hero

    I look forward to Story time :D
  6. Exxil3d

    Exxil3d Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Everything about this game looks beautiful. Except humans. I dunno why, but they don't really seem to fit the game's art style. I think it's the lack of shading with their sprites (fix plzzz), but apart from that, keep up the good work!
  7. clevernamegoeshere

    clevernamegoeshere Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It is done.
  8. seevenup

    seevenup Contact!

    Updates in friday is fine, this means there are max 6 updates till we get oure BETA, so i see the finish line now :D
  9. Camelslayer

    Camelslayer Cosmic Narwhal

    The sad story on Donament was pretty funny.

    Also, calling it now- everyone will demand Beefjim and Baconjeff be put back in.
    I am right naow.
    steveduck2345 and Gredd18 like this.
  10. eheheh that stuff + roleplay = my life story. :rofl:
    steveduck2345 likes this.
  11. Rueya

    Rueya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome update Molly! Thank you. Glad that updates now have a timeline. It will be quite hard to break the habit of frequently checking on here though... ;)
  12. Anris

    Anris Phantasmal Quasar

    Love the weekly updates idea, good way to start the weekend.
  13. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    Yes is there any way you could give us a peak at the namegen algorithm? I too am interested in game development and the best I can ever do is swich back and forth randomly from vowel to consonant...

    Thanks for the post... this weekly update thing is really gonna keep me stoked for the game.

    Also I first read 'rabbit dinosaur' as 'rabbid dinosaur' please add this status effect :D

    Well done chucklefish! I give you two pets, some pet food, and programmer fuel! :virorb::koala: :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie: :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:
  14. steelwing

    steelwing Big Damn Hero

    Oooooooh...So if you're doing weekly updates, you can get the beta going that much faster, right? :p;)
  15. DubstepPotatoes

    DubstepPotatoes Tentacle Wrangler

    Best... Story... EVER!!!
    steveduck2345 and [pixelmonster] like this.
  16. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    I sure hope Starbound eventually has steam workshop and mod support. :3
    steveduck2345 likes this.
  17. Sirduncan8

    Sirduncan8 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, as much as I loved daily updates, this weekly "story" thing was awesome! More pictures, more stuff to learn about the game's development... It might take a while, but I might be able to get used to it! Thanks for the update, Molly. Your sense of humor always makes me smile! :3
  18. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I should play as a Glitch... :rofl:
    steveduck2345 likes this.
  19. Frodew

    Frodew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    RIP Baconjeff and Beefjim :cry:
    steveduck2345 likes this.
  20. Leather Rabbit

    Leather Rabbit Big Damn Hero

    This makes me feel like something crazy will be happening this week :wut:

    ...Also, we will miss you Beefjim and Baconjeff. You shall remain in our hearts until we join you in the abyss.
    samufel likes this.

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