11th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Truckermouse

    Truckermouse Master Chief

    awww, still no release date. I feel like a kid 1 day before christmas. Torture.
    Idle309 and Haec_Esne_Legas like this.
  2. Luchóg

    Luchóg Sandwich Man

    Son of a Glitch, that's a beautiful mount!

    Weekly updates sounds fine... But, makes me think, there are only a few more Fridays until the end of the year ;D And I hope that's a good thing. And I know I know, updates will continue after beta, but a person can hope right?
  3. Sidhean

    Sidhean Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Woo, weekly updates! I'll be looking forward to fridays a lot more now.
  4. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Good stuff, I think the once a week updates are a good idea. More content and yet another reason to look forward to fridays.
  5. jeffhunter12

    jeffhunter12 Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice i like the looks of the dungeon and that tree also looked nice ^ ^ keep up the good work!
  6. joedanger

    joedanger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can u please make it you post every 3 days or something because I understand that you can't do it EVRY day but I don't want every Friday!! :sparta::sparta::sparta::saywhat::cry:
  7. Jayux

    Jayux Astral Cartographer

    They are still expecting a 2013 full release. Realistically if they really are going 2013 full release beta has to be in a 1-3 weeks max.
    Xyth likes this.
  8. AmeLeo

    AmeLeo Void-Bound Voyager

    Weekly updates every Friday are a good idea.

    And I loved the short story at the end. :D
  9. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Then it wouldn't be a dungeon, it would be a village. Dungeons are places where you fight enemies, find loot, and defeat bosses. Villages are places to trade and find new quests. Setting the planet as your home world wouldn't change whether it is a dungeon or a village. Of course, it might be cool if some dungeons or villages blurred the line and had elements of both, like the city of Zozo in Final Fantasy 6 or the dungeons of castle Shadowgate, with both of them having shops and townspeople and also enemies at every turn.
    steveduck2345 likes this.
  10. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cannot argue with the weekly updates, The obvious struggle of trying to give people stuff night in, night out was somewhat a tumultuous task. Good call there.

    Nice update, Loling at the knight pic, You know whats gonna happen there moment. :rofl:

    Keep up the work guys, See yah next week!
  11. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sorry for those that have not seen it.

    But this pic reminds me of that scene in The Hobbit where the gang are forced to climb up trees to avoid the Wargs xD
    AntTheRockStar likes this.
  12. AntTheRockStar

    AntTheRockStar Void-Bound Voyager

    Try not to double post my friend, rules of the forum :p
    But anyway I was thinking the same thing actually! :DD
  13. Sephu

    Sephu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Another week another lack of beta announcement? Be back in another week, then. :whoop:
    AntTheRockStar likes this.
  14. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah I know.. As soon as I posted that I wondered why the Hell I didn't just edit my First post with it.. I blame the morning QQ
    steveduck2345 and AntTheRockStar like this.
  15. OneOnlyDan

    OneOnlyDan Cosmic Narwhal

    If we have to wait until Friday for every update I guess I'll wait, a week goes fast anyway :)
    Now at least I know when to expect them.
  16. PringerX

    PringerX Void-Bound Voyager

    i told you about the glitch bro!!!!!
    i warned you dog!
    Titanium likes this.
  17. Green Causali-Tea

    Green Causali-Tea Industrial Terraformer

    The full release will not occur this year.
    BrakSampson and PlayMp1 like this.
  18. Baconjeff

    Baconjeff Space Hobo

    R.I.P. Beefjim, my one true friend~
  19. Synestra

    Synestra Sandwich Man


    well, this rather brief update, but i love it!
    good job as usual! :3

    p.s: yeah the new starbound forum looks awesome!
  20. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thx for the update molly

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