11th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Josephdud66

    Josephdud66 Void-Bound Voyager

    Cue the Beeim & Beefjeff gay couple easteregg :D
  2. Schatzy

    Schatzy Starship Captain

    SO MANY DECORATIONS FOR HOMES! MY GOD! INTERACTIVE CHAIRS? AWESOME! (I pay attention to the small things in games.) This game seems very RPG-like, much more so than the 100% sandbox Terraria.
    Anyway, AH! Can't wait!!!!
  3. Segas Wolf

    Segas Wolf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I know... we will have the beta soon .... soon ...


    tassina, TharDrain and steveduck2345 like this.
  4. TharDrain

    TharDrain Aquatic Astronaut

    God, gotta have the beta :D
  5. Elegant Sir

    Elegant Sir Astral Cartographer

    I quite like these mini adventure posts.
  6. rtyui136

    rtyui136 Big Damn Hero

    No more Beefjim, eh? Well there still is Beefjeff! [​IMG]

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