11th November Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. R0flw4ffl3z

    R0flw4ffl3z Void-Bound Voyager

  2. WickedWitch

    WickedWitch Big Damn Hero

    I will have one of my underlings do this.

    Where are those lazy......[sigh]

    After a quick search someone has suggested it, but it hasn't carried any enthusiasm.
    Svarr Chanston and Lobo like this.
  3. Haec_Esne_Legas

    Haec_Esne_Legas Tentacle Wrangler

    Drats,... I thought my thursday would be their friday,.... ;(

    I'll check again tomorrow.

    Keep up the awesome work!
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  4. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    But Glitch and Humans should be able to understand each other, technically, if they were built without knowledge that they are robots, and live in medieval times. Also Apex too, I guess, since they evolved from humans.

    Now I can imagine the fun of seeing Florians speaking in stuff like:

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  5. R234

    R234 Contact!

    They will, it's called mod support ;)
  6. TSRViper

    TSRViper Orbital Explorer

    It's Friday in Australia, surely that counts!
    Haec_Esne_Legas likes this.
  7. WickedWitch

    WickedWitch Big Damn Hero

    That was what I was thinking, and as far a Glitch and Apex are concerned their languages may be English in the sense that we the players can understand, but would every player's character speak English?

    Some players who speak other languages may like to pretend that Glitch can't speak, say French. And therefor still cause a barrier of understanding.

    If you read the Glitch and Apex intros it doesn't mention what language they speak, or how they speak it. Glitch may speak in a series of '1's and '0's. The Apex might speak in a highly evolved language that has surpassed English as we know it.

    Not to mention the Novakids, they could speak in a series of farts and burps, not having vocal cords.
    samufel and Silvestre like this.
  8. lordbok

    lordbok Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe it could be like in Star Wars with Galactic Basic, or even in most Sci-Fi they have translator microbes/implants so everyone can understand each other.
  9. WickedWitch

    WickedWitch Big Damn Hero

    And where's the fun in that?
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  10. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well done, dev! Hehe, any moment and things will be great c:
  11. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey, that's true, I guess for the lack of confusion, there can be a "common" language, as in most RPGs. With modding more languages could be added, to give specific area languages, though.
    Farts and burps are a great idea, hahah...

    But we should be discussing this in the suggestion thread of yours, did you make it? :p
  12. WickedWitch

    WickedWitch Big Damn Hero

    Yes I did :rofl:


    Edit: With animated gif of translator working. And my familiar having a snooze :p
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
    Dragrath and Svarr Chanston like this.
  13. Milavelo

    Milavelo Big Damn Hero

    It's friday.

    Where's mah update!?

    beta pls
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  14. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    Beta? did someone say beta? It's friday, it's the weekend, must be beta, is weekend, thank you Chucklefish, beta? I smell beta. *foams at mouth*

    ..haha, seriously though, let's not get HL3 on this game, it'll be here when it's here. :halo:

    Which is today, right?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
    WackoTaco and EmGeHo like this.
  15. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey, the reason were all sitting on this website isn't because of beta right? Were ALL here to just talk softly with nothing to do with beta on our minds. waaaaiiittt..... BETA?!?! noooo... focus no beta D:..... but beta!...... curse you people..... *eating pie*
    samufel and Svarr Chanston like this.
  16. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    Shh, you'll wake up the.. beta horde. :X

    They'll come running during this Friday's update anyway.
  17. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

  18. TharDrain

    TharDrain Aquatic Astronaut

    Nice work, looking forward to the beta :) Any news on when it could be released?
  19. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    the news.... you want the news? ILL GIVE YOU THE NEWS!!!!! there is no news.... D:
  20. Green Causali-Tea

    Green Causali-Tea Industrial Terraformer

    Current status: Hyped for Friday's update. I wonder what it will describe?

    I've peeked in on Bartwe's stream a few times. I feel like I ought to have a better understanding of what's currently going on than I do. I saw work on making shields function properly since the last update. And of course, there was that burning Avian structure on Twitter.
    samufel, Svarr Chanston and fredmay20 like this.

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