11 June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Anonity

    Anonity Aquatic Astronaut

    Well, it's nice to see you are incapable of drumming up an argument.
    I got two words for you, "Cry more"

    EDIT: Actually no, that's pretty mean spirited.

    It comes down to this, just because Starbound is your most favowite bestest game eva, doesn't mean it's original or innovative.
    If you would have taken the time to read my followup, it'd have shown that. I suppose you can't change a fan boy's mind though.
    It'll be a great game.
    Just not innovative in the sense Tiy used it.
    Oarius likes this.
  2. Camelslayer

    Camelslayer Cosmic Narwhal

    Pretty sure its part of the background. It wouldn't be hard to do.
  3. Seir

    Seir Phantasmal Quasar

    Do you always feel the need to repeat yourself? I'm not "fanboying" as you say anyhow, just stating that we've only seen the basic mechanics and that they're fully incorporated into everything you see on the screen is rather innovative. I've never seen that done at least. If you can name some examples i might change my mind. And that's just whats obvious. no telling what'll be in the final release.
  4. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I was kidding, but thank you.
    MoonyGekko likes this.
  5. PeteMesquite

    PeteMesquite Aquatic Astronaut

    What's this 3D Printer I keep hearing about, I'm a little confused...
  6. swankles

    swankles Space Spelunker

    Im guessing its this games equivalent of the anvil
  7. flyingophers

    flyingophers Void-Bound Voyager

    If I remember correctly, it's a method of producing items. Once you have the schematics you can "print" it later, but it won't be as strong/durable. Can someone back me up on this?
  8. Jamtoes

    Jamtoes Big Damn Hero

    Cant wait!!!
  9. RedDire

    RedDire Cosmic Narwhal

    It is the background. Look at how it's behind the wall tiles. It just looks so close to us for realism 'cause not everything is gonna be 50 feet away from the player.
    Mr5-ouL likes this.
  10. Mr5-ouL

    Mr5-ouL Tentacle Wrangler

    Hay there didn't expect to find you here my slendy friend. *Puts arm around shoulder* :giggle:
  11. Legodude1237

    Legodude1237 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can back you up but I think you have to have the actual item.
  12. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    "It used to be that each time a new generation of console popped up it allowed for the creation of entirely new gameplay experiences. From what I’ve seen so far the experiences seem to be exactly the same with slightly shinier paint.

    Things have stagnated."

    But, Tiy, didn't you pay attention to Microsoft? Next gen is all about TV, and Skype calls during TV, and Sports stats during TV!
  13. blackbolta

    blackbolta Space Penguin Leader

    It is hard to be original when there is 7 billion functional minds, being "innovative" is not always needed, as long as the game gives for what I had paid I don't care.
  14. Oarius

    Oarius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    guys ive got it! its the new hardware for innovative games
    The PSNintendexboxegagenisaturn! which comes with....
    - ocular implants! - just shove them into your eyes and they sync up wirelessly to the receiver located in the cerebral transmitter and u can see and interact with games like never before!
    - Cerebral transmitter! - wirelessly send your thoughts and movements into the game of your choice!
    - USBp or (Universal SuperBadass port-thing) just hook it up to any internet viable connection to instantly connect to our nonexistent network and download billions of ur favorite games past and present and maybe futre? FREE!
    Disclaimer- not responsible for permanent loss of sight - your use of this product assumes u understand your own decisions and not be stupid enough to try and sue us after you have blinded yourself by slamming random foreign objects into your retina
  15. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    You have no idea how much i want to play this game right now...:V
  16. TunaFiiish

    TunaFiiish Void-Bound Voyager

    I second both of Tiy's suggestions, they sound like a great idea!
  17. T-Bone Biggins

    T-Bone Biggins Phantasmal Quasar

    To your bit about games looking the same as the last generation, you're wrong. Metal Gear Solid 5 is looking really good - http://games.yahoo.com/video/metal-gear-solid-v-phantom-202414038.html

    While I'm not the biggest fan of that series there is major graphical improvements. What happened is games and gaming hardware have hit and maybe surpassed the limit of what the human mind can create. To make a game to hit hardware limits anymore requires so much time it would just drive up costs to an insane amount. Imagine the man-hours it would take to make that Metal Gear 5 trailer graphically compared to Terarria or Starbound graphics. Nowadays the question is not if realistic graphics can be achieved, the question is if it would be worth it to make such high-end graphics.
  18. xnez

    xnez Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The dev team decided to give their first place position at indie crash E3 to the runner up to them, a horror game I believe, by dropping out of the competition. They decided to do this because starbound is already doing so well for itself, and some of the other indies in the competition would have greatly benefited from the publicity boost from E3. It was a very kind jesture if you ask me :)
    Seir likes this.
  19. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh wow that lets me know even more how awesome these devs are GO CHUCKLEFISH :chucklefish:
  20. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    I dont know if its been addressed yet, so im going to ask here. I havent the time really to read through all 9 pages xD
    I was wondering what happens when you get inflicted by multiple status effects. I.E. Poison AND burning at the same time. Will it flash above them "poison, burning" or will it list them? What about the effects? Will they have little flames and green bubbles? Or will one take a dominance over the other visually? I.E. Only showing flames/burning, or green bubbles/poison

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