11 June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    Instead of making it say "Burned" "Poisioned", just make the numbers change color. Poision damage will show up green, Burned damage will show up Orange, etc. I think having that much wording above monsters could be pretty annoying when you are fighting a bunch of monsters, even making it hard to see at times.
    AdenSword and Cruellyricisti like this.
  2. Bucktail

    Bucktail Star Wrangler

    so the beta will be released in August? Or am I wrong about what's being released?
  3. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That was sarcasm. So..
  4. Anonity

    Anonity Aquatic Astronaut

    Coming from someone who decided to bank on Terraria's success and create a game very similar to it minus a thing or two, I really don't think Tiy can talk about innovation.
    All you've really done is put Terraria in space, and added a couple new features.

    That's not to say Starbound doesn't look interesting or fun, but that is quite the bold statement for Tiy to make. Starbound is just expanding on ideas from Terraria, ideas which aren't new or innovative, they're just a nice addition.

    I love what Chucklefish is doing and all, Starbound will probably be pretty good(already pre-ordered forever ago). I just hope they don't consider this innovative.
  5. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    I really thought people were passed this.
    blackbolta, Legodude1237 and Seir like this.
  6. Anonity

    Anonity Aquatic Astronaut

    Well, can you tell me one innovative idea this game has?
  7. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    At this point and time in gaming, it's nearly impossible to have an "original" idea. However, Starbound is putting together many popular ideas in really good ways. There are some similarities to Terraria, but it's hardly Terraria in space.
    Legodude1237 likes this.
  8. Rufikirua

    Rufikirua Space Hobo

  9. daridan

    daridan Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm excited to hear about the Suggestion Box thing. Many of my favorite games are games that do that, take input from the people who are buying it. Always makes the game better <3 Chucklefish
  10. Seir

    Seir Phantasmal Quasar

    "IT IS DANGEROUS TO GO IT ALONE. TAKE THIS." -A traveler from the future with an alpha of Starbound, handing it to Tiy. Console gaming might have taken a bit of a lazy vacation, but not you guys. Real impressive. Love dat lava btw. Oh yea, and that snow.. and ze borealis.. well, all of it. >.>

    Errr.. How about the whole "Traveling through space to various worlds you can colonize and explore while actually viewing the surround planets" Or well.. Complete immersion. And what you said is like saying Metroid is just an expansion of Mario because they're both platformers. Or Terraria is an expansion upon Harvest Moon because you can farm and build a house in both. At least wait and play the game until you decide it's not innovative. Spoilers... remember?
    Legodude1237 likes this.
  11. Anonity

    Anonity Aquatic Astronaut

    I didn't say that the ideas together were bad, I just said they aren't new.

    "Randomly generated worlds in which the player must explore, fight creatures, and obtain increasingly better randomly generated tools and weapons to overcome new challenges."
    That's a very basic and easy way to describe Terraria, wouldn't you agree?
    Not many games have ventured into randomly generated worlds and items yet, so it's quite easy to attach that phrase to this game.

    Tiy talked about how even though games may look better, they're not becoming any more fresh and innovative.
    We saw several new FPS's this year for example, which naturally people clump together because yeah, FPS games look similar to each other based on several common principles. If you would look deeper into some of these games, I'm rather sure you'll find more new features thrown in them.(Except for CoD I imagine :p)

    We saw several new racing games this year which yes, look similar if you look at their basic common principles. However, when you look deeper into their mechanics you'll find that they all mostly house more ideas being thrown into the mix(Except probably Forza, but I dunno)

    The same could be applied to this game and Terraria. I'm not here to start some kind of war because frankly that's just a waste of time and not the point of what I'm saying.
    However, you can't just judge a book by it's cover, nor can Tiy talk about games being innovative or new when he's borrowing the same basic mechanics from another game he worked on previously.

    Edit: Changed the word "copy" to borrowed so people won't get so upset.

    Also, after PS2, you could pretty much do anything you wanted in terms of game design. With 6th gen(PS3 and Xbox 360 era), it became more about how good could we make these games look, with great gameplay being pushed farther down the priority list imo.
    Yes there are certain exceptions here and there.
  12. Rhayn

    Rhayn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    PErsonally I am quite excited to see the video of the villages or NPC's that he was talking about.
    Seir likes this.
  13. Seir

    Seir Phantasmal Quasar

    Yea! Eeek.. random dialogue n quests! Gon find me some lost kitties and chirrins fer some villagers. :D
  14. Lukewarm

    Lukewarm Orbital Explorer

    The reddit way of voting isn't really good or fair as the ones who first get upvotes will be promoted and through that get even more promotion. Voting results should remain hidden untill the voter has either voted or choose see the result so that he cant get influenced by other peoples opinions.
    Just my take on this. You are free to think otherwise. : )
    Anonity likes this.
  15. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh now i feel like an idiot *facepalm*
  16. hsmbt2

    hsmbt2 Intergalactic Tourist

    they are putting MMOs on the consuls.... look at destiny by bungie. thats new not stagnant just saying
  17. Anonity

    Anonity Aquatic Astronaut

    Oh, didn't know you replied to me.
    I'm guessing you didn't read my following post, or you just had nothing to say. I'll just clear this up.

    Traveling to randomly generated worlds isn't innovative at all. Minecraft and Terraria already did that(as an example), they just added the ability to switch worlds without mods. Also, claiming the game is immersive is quite the stretch, considering I can tell you the same thing, you haven't even played it yet. Besides, who dictates what immersive is? What's immersive to you might not be to me, and vice versa.

    For Mario or Metroid, can you explore randomly generated worlds and collect randomly generated items? No. If you take just one or two aspects from a game and use it like that then of course all games will sound similar.

    They added a space wallpaper to transitioning between worlds. Wooooo?
    That's not innovative at all.

    You can throw both games under the same basic principle, "Randomly generated worlds in which the player must explore, fight creatures, and obtain increasingly better randomly generated tools and weapons to overcome new challenges."
    For Mario or Metroid, can you explore randomly generated worlds and collect randomly generated items? No.
    Terraria did this already, which also happens to be a game Tiy in fact worked on.
    Therefore, the phrase "Terraria in space" can fit well, regardless if it offends you.
    He borrowed this very same concept and took it to this game to expand on it with ideas which weren't original or innovative.
    It's not innovation by the very same meaning he used in his update.

    Listen man, I think Starbound will be great and all too, but you're clearly just fanboying about it. I'm not saying either game is better, or that Starbound is just a copy. I acknowledged it has it's own strong points in other posts, it's just on a basic level a similar game.
    Crazyfoolgaf likes this.
  18. Crazyfoolgaf

    Crazyfoolgaf Star Wrangler

    Making leaps and bounds every day now it seems; dare I say even leaps and STARbounds? :D.

    Seriously though, very exciting. I like the idea of a suggestions page too, should make submitting ideas much more streamlined.
    You mention that status effects are very easy to create due to the framework, will modders be able to easily introduce their own status effects too?
    Anonity likes this.
  19. Woodrow

    Woodrow Title Not Found

    So excited!
  20. Woodrow

    Woodrow Title Not Found

    get out
    blackbolta, Legodude1237 and Seir like this.

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