11 June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Mr. Mistah

    Mr. Mistah Phantasmal Quasar

    Thats what I was thinking :D
    AdenSword likes this.
  2. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    i think its a volcano
  3. Highwayman

    Highwayman Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont know about you, but Im just lookin' forward to getting me some InFAMOUS: Sedond Son and Watch_Dogs. And Starbound of course.
    AdenSword likes this.
  4. xnez

    xnez Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sorry two things I have to say, what happened to seeing other planets in the background of the planet that you are currently on? Secondly, I just had a thought, shouldn't star bound have it's own version of a hell/nether/oblivion?, it doesn't have to be anything magical, it could just be an anti universe or a hidden sector of space that you can unlock where everything is, well evil and mysterious. :)
    Legodude1237 likes this.
  5. Professor Waffles

    Professor Waffles Void-Bound Voyager

    So now that status effects are implemented, the weapons themselves need to have these attributes applied to them.
  6. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Hmm, I agree that many games seemed to lack originality and effort, but just had some colors and shiny things to capture the "Graphics are everything" audience. I would say Nintendo did alright with bringing back series that are popular, however I think they have a bit too many remakes of older games with 3D, but they seem to have done some original things, plus something that I think a lot of people really wanted: A fighting game made properly for a handheld device, however I have grown up with Nintendo being my favorite company, so I have a serious bias, as do many people for different companies. But come on, at least a few people need to admit they are really excited for the new Super Smash Bros. And I agree, smart move Sony.... and Microsoft..... Microsoft stahp.
    Legodude1237 likes this.
  7. Camelslayer

    Camelslayer Cosmic Narwhal

    The floating text needs work. Mostly a black outline. Most of the text in those pictures are very difficult to see because it blends in with the background. Any kind of outline on that text is a MUST. Seriously, it's such a simple thing, but it makes a huge difference.
    I doubt I'm the first person to complain about it either.

    Umm.. Defiance received pretty mixed reviews, I saw quite a number of negative ones myself. Nor do I think combining TV shows and games' actions to be a good idea. Honestly that's a terrible idea, because non-gamers have to play the game in order to understand what might have happened, it alienates part of its audience. Which should never be necessary under any circumstances. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but in practice its not.

    Yay for pixelated porn?
    Not sure why you'd want nude NPCs, to be honest. It's not like there'd really be anything in great detail to look at.
  8. XxDooMxX

    XxDooMxX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Please just release an alpha or something...

    there no games to play :D
  9. Frodew

    Frodew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  10. Cuchilain

    Cuchilain Phantasmal Quasar

    About your comments on gameplay and graphics: Graphics has never been the biggest thing to me. A lot of people will say, its all about the gameplay man, but you never know if they mean it or not. What it comes down to is how well is the gameplay executed. Example One, Fable. An aging protagonist where you played through the entirety of his life. What a unique and enjoyable way to play the game. Or the idea of his appearance changing as he became this kind or person or that. These are interesting gameplay mechanics that ended up being blocky with sharp edges. Example Bee, Snake Eater, only because its a broad gameplay mechanic from many games but this came to mind as one of the worst implementations. In snake eater you need to eat to maintain strength and combat effectiveness. A promising and exciting survival twist to a hardcore stealth game! Poorly executed in that it essentially becomes ignorable. Many games offer lots of great new ideas, but they simply cant be executed properly due to hardware or programming constraints. Example C3, Starbound. Starbound has graphics that could run on a PC from 15 years ago. But the complexity of the code would melt the PC. All the stuff going on in starbound, and the sheer scope of it, make it more advanced than many of the G6 consoles. The key to all of this is how well each of these incredibly nuanced systems plays, and how well they are each integrated into the control of the game. In order to have such a hardcore gameplay experience i firmly believe that there is no way this game would work in a prettified 3d world like Skyrim or Witcher 3.

    I conclude by simply reminding everyone that at this point in the life of PC gaming, what we are looking at isnt new innovations, but old innovations that sucked, being made to work better and being combined with other great mechanics to make deeper better games.

    Im also far more excited about Starbound than anything at E3 right now. I know im going to be deep into the game for many many hours, and i dont really know what the MP is going to be like, but im excited about the hype we've heard so far.
    swankles and AdenSword like this.
  11. Makkadull

    Makkadull Master Chief

    TBH i think Nintendo and Sony came out on top this E3, i am primarily a PC and Nintendo gamer and the only thing that disappointed me a bit was the new Super Mario 3d world, it looked meh.
    Legodude1237 likes this.
  12. 1mwb

    1mwb Big Damn Hero

    AdenSword what's your steam name? I couldn't find "AdenSword"...
  13. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Does anyone else notice that iceberg to the left is not made up of blocks!? What is up with that? Why does that even exist? Answers? Mollygos?
  14. RedDire

    RedDire Cosmic Narwhal

    Those are blocks. Why do you think they're not?

    Edit: Oh hold on, I think I know what you're referring to. Anyway, that's part of the background.
  15. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Floating to the left in the lake? Those are most certainly not blocks. That is a drawn image. Of an iceberg.
  16. RedDire

    RedDire Cosmic Narwhal

    Yeah, yeah. I just realized. Look at my edit.
  17. Cruellyricisti

    Cruellyricisti Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Didn't catch the edit. I don't even think it's party of the background. See how it's submerged? And follows the water line. What's up with that?
  18. Rhayn

    Rhayn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am wondering about the suggestions thing he mentioned.. I am all for it, but I do wonder if it is going to be for things to go into the game before beta/release or for things after release.
    I am all for adding new stuff in, but anything suggested that could delay the beta even more is gonna be ...... lets just say not good.
  19. DiscontentWithTheSystem

    DiscontentWithTheSystem Big Damn Hero

    please send, not pleasesed.
  20. swankles

    swankles Space Spelunker

    Couldn't agree with you more on your view of nexgen consoles and game quality. I look at games much like I do movies: Who cares about special effects if the script blows, and both markets are flooded with formulaic rehash.

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