Dev Blog 1.0.5 - Changelog

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Ok i see ^^ thx you for the link (i see basicaly what you mean but its a bit too technical for me ^^ but as i've read its things like program starting when you turn on your computer(maybe xD)) , also yes i trust you but i must admit i havent good experience with laptop , so i stick to desk computer for now.
  2. Psyngelic

    Psyngelic Orbital Explorer

    I eagerly await a possible future update that may do away with the opengl 2.0 error that I've begun encountering ever since Starbound has reached 1.0, but if for some reason or another it turns out that this cannot be done away with on their end, then that would be quite saddening. I am sadly unfamiliar with their reasoning for doing away with the launcher that allowed for one to choose how they would like to run the game, whether it be via directX or opengl. I would imagine that it was for a good reason, however, I may be unable to play Starbound anymore as a result, so I am hopeful that the developers may consider reimplementing this feature, perhaps some day in the future.
  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    @Psyngelic: you mean "OpenGL errors this frame: GL_INVALID_VALUE"?

    Note that the launcher never had anything to do with which version of SB you wanted to play, being just a launcher. I never used it, especially after the one time I did tricked me into deleting all my mod work -- I just launched the game directly. So to say the launcher was the thing that "allowed for one to choose"... :confused:
  4. Psyngelic

    Psyngelic Orbital Explorer

    No, that is not the same opengl error that I am experiencing.

    Hm, really? I distinctly remember the launcher giving the option to choose between running the game in Directx mode or two types of opengl modes. Two of those three options often gave me troubles, but the third option allowed for me to be able to play the game. Unfortunately I am unable to remember the specifics, since it has been too long since the last time that I had played the game, and in turn has been too long since I used the launcher to play. I apologize for my lack of ability to remember the details.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Okay so that's not the one. If it was, something quite weird would be going on because I nearly always get that error and then the game chugs along fine.

    As for the launcher, you seem to not quite understand where I'm going with this. For just Windows, there are two starbound.exe files; one in win64 and one in win32. There is also a starbound_server.exe in both. It used to be that there was not just the OpenGL-based starbound.exe, but also the DirectX version. Same location, slightly different file name, so that makes four game executables for just Windows, not counting the servers.

    Now, because I want to ensure SB Stable fully functions with regards to the Workshop, I only ever run Stable from Steam. On the other hand, what I do in Unstable/Nightly is, I have a shortcut straight to win64\starbound.exe that I use if I want to play. I rarely run it from Steam. Used to be back when there was a launcher that pressing Play in Steam would start the launcher with its buttons, which in turn straight-up started the main executables listed above. The shortcut is faster.

    Now that they removed the launcher, the actual game executables remain. Steam itself now gives the various options, acting as a launcher, in that when I press Play, I get a little menu letting me pick which version or tool I want. That's one distinct change. They also removed the DirectX version of the game, both in win32 and win64. That's another completely unrelated change. It has nothing to do with Steam itself practically doing everything the launcher used to do.

    If they hadn't removed the DirectX version, the popup when you press Play in Steam would have one or two more options. That's all there is to that.
    Xylia likes this.
  6. Psyngelic

    Psyngelic Orbital Explorer

    Oh! I'm sorry, I understand what you mean now. Unfortunately I have tried the various options that the Steam launcher allows for your to choose, as well as went into the actual folder that Starbound is installed and attempted to launch it from there using the exe files, in hopes that the outcome may turn out differently, but sadly it seems to end the same way each time. I get the following error message, "Fatal Exception caught: (RendererException) OpenGL 2.0 not available!". Shortly after arriving to this point, I found out that my computer only supports up to OpenGL 1.1. I suppose that they couldn't support such an archaic version of OpenGL anymore upon updating the game, which is perfectly fine if that is the case, I completely understand, but I do hope that there is the possibility that this will change some day down the road.
  7. RaduDevil

    RaduDevil Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can you fix the ui boxes to not go off-screen is annoing and the item discription.
  8. gameboytj

    gameboytj Ketchup Robot

    Will there be a borderless option in the future? I am getting screen flickering when i do full screen, i dare not do windows because my pc sometimes likes to force the focus to another window without my permission and lock my controlls... Borderless window pretty much acts the same as full screen for me to avoid the keyboard locking.
    Xylia likes this.
  9. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Dude, I been asking for BW since Koala, lol.

    We might be waiting for awhile on that.

    But in the meantime, if you drag the borders of the window all the way to the edge of the screen, then it is very unlikely you will click out-of-bounds. Very rarely it happens for me, but meh. I learned to live with it.

    I didn't like how poorly the game took to alt+tabbing out of Full Screen mode.

    To be honest, I don't know why the OS can't do Borderless Window natively for all full-screen apps....
  10. Ryan_123

    Ryan_123 Void-Bound Voyager

    If you're curious, I can give you a few reasons why:
    1. The resolution must match the desktop resolution
    2. Other windows can appear on top
    3. Performance is worse since they can't use page flipping directly, there's a copy to the desktop step (see below)
    4. And the most common reason why we can't have nice things.. they tried it and a fairly important app out there failed horribly because one of it's assumptions was changed. But I'm betting they didn't try it because they already knew this would happen from years of experience... :)

    *In Windows 10 they fixed #3 by doing some tricks. These tricks are disabled the moment another window appears in front, so everything still works properly.
  11. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    @Kawa can confirm as of nightly that there is apparently borderless window mode.
  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Yes, I can.
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  13. gameboytj

    gameboytj Ketchup Robot

    For real? How do i use it? o_O
  14. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    In Nightly, it's right there in the options window.
  15. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    None of this actually answers my question, or shall I say, none of this actually stops my proposal from working.

    My question was: "Why can't Windows display a Full-Screen program in a borderless window natively inside the OS without said app needing to expressly do it"?

    Your points don't in any way stop the OS:

    1). The OS could do one of three things: 1). Temporarily change your desktop resolution to fit the resolution the app wants, OR, force the app into the desktop resolution, OR, don't do anything and make the "always borderless window" available ONLY when the resolutions match.

    2). So? That happens with Borderless Window anyways. This has nothing to do with why Windows can't use Borderless Window Mode for any Full-Screen App.

    3). It'd be an option that people would turn on/off. Performance too bad? Turn it off/don't turn it on.

    4). Again, options. "Run this application in Borderless Window Mode." and you can check that checkbox on or off. If it works, awesome! If it screws up... then don't.

    EDIT: Now, since Nightly has BW mode, this is moot, but yet there are other games that don't.
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  16. Ryan_123

    Ryan_123 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yep, I was just giving you technical reasons as to why it isn't done since I thought that was what your question was. I don't think anyone is against the idea, they just don't know how to make it work without causing problems.

    The main problem is that fullscreen exclusive apps are just not written to run in this mode.
    1) If this all matched perfectly it would be ok, but you can't force the app into desktop resolution. In code they specifically request a resolution/refresh rate/color depth and if it doesn't get it they'll hopefully just give you an error but many will probably just crash.
    2) It happens in borderless windows, but any app that's running fullscreen exclusive isn't expecting this. When you do unexpected things to apps, they do unexpected things in return.
    3) Maybe, but it'd have to be off by default since any option that can cause apps to crash or run poorly is one that won't be on by default.
    4) Same as 3.

    I'd have loved for this to all "just work" but if you were Microsoft and you just added this to your latest OS, news sites would be all over saying how Windows 10 breaks some games or makes them run slower. Plus customers would be blaming them for any issues that came up.

    At least now in Windows 10 a full screen borderless app can run at full performance!
  17. Lenny The Wise

    Lenny The Wise Poptop Tamer

    I think it's going good so far starbound team just revamp the render work on getting the FPS and coding perfect and your game will be always better than terraria an it is but peopel be like ehhh Terrrari is better nah starbound is better
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  19. Lenny The Wise

    Lenny The Wise Poptop Tamer

    I agree I did my best to say most people say terraria is but my grammar is not the best I totally love starbound terraria is like ehh we gotta catch a bus er somthin or there's no danger any mo see lol starbound there's always new things and dangers lol
  20. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    That's a very opinionated statement, lol.

    I'm on the fence myself: Terraria is more refined with fewer bugs and issues that need fixed but then again, SB has a huge potential going for it. It just needs to get to 1.3.x and then we can better compare the two.

    At least Terraria's hotbar isn't ridiculously cumbersome and awkward to use, so it gets points there. And it doesn't have tooltips going off-screen, etc.

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