Same, I've had moments where I didn't know what I had selected and pressed what I wanted to be selected and only noticed afterwards that nothing happened from selecting it (again) which is fine because that made me NOT die. This change will be yet another reason to want the old hotbar back : ( I don't get why we need this when we already got a dedicated unselect key (which I like btw, it's the ONLY thing that the old hotbar lacked). Ah well, we already got lots of dislike for the new hotbar, might aswell fuel the fire again
I beg you guys PLEASE focus on the performance issues first. My specs are far over the requirements but I still get unplayable framerate most of the time. Thank you!
Can we please have a toggle for this behavior? Or revert it outright? I sometimes have a habit of smacking one of my weapon binds as I enter combat, even if they're already out, as half the time they're not out. Enter combat, pull out weapon. I do this in other similar games, too. On the very rare occasion that I want nothing selected for a screenshot, it's a simple matter to click (edit: and I just learned there's a dedicated keybind for this, too). The change to this keybinding is going to cause me problems in combat.
I almost just died because of this. While you can clearly see whether you have a weapon equiped or not, with things like salves your only visual clue is looking at the hotbar (or dying because you keep clicking to get healed and your character just stays there). Which, in the middle of combat is... not optimal, to say the least. A toggle is difinitely needed if not outright reverting to the original functionality.
I guess this is tolerable but, while you're at it, would you mind removing the hue shifting limitations on biome subBlocks? We've discussed this before and I was told it was a decision made by the game artists but I have found no reason (from my PoV) for it aside from an inventory management standpoint - and now that that does not matter, I cannot find any good reason why the hardcoded limitations on hueShifting are still a thing. Can you please, at the very least, make it moddable?
I'd love to see these two bugs fixed that have been in the game since the alpha went live: 1) If you create a large body of water, it will drain over time regardless of how well it's contained. Tried several times to make a small lake, it drained slowly over the following half hour especially off-screen. 2) Rain STILL comes through off-screen blocks and water will pool up inside buildings. Made a house on my starter planet (which it rains on constantly) and whenever I go back home, I see water in my house.
Thank you for update! If someone have same glitch (after update) just push "Fuel" button several times
I had to check dictionary, coz i am not native speaker. verb past tense: deprecated; past participle: deprecated 1. express disapproval of. "what I deprecate is persistent indulgence" synonyms: disapprove of, deplore, abhor, find unacceptable, be against, frown on, take a dim view of, look askance at, take exception to, detest, despise, execrate;More criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, protest against, inveigh against, rail against; informalknock, slam, hammer, cane, blast, bad-mouth, pull to pieces, pull apart, hit out at; informalslate, slag off, rubbish; archaicslash, vituperate against, reprobate; rareanimadvert on, asperse, derogate "the school deprecates the social mixing of older and younger boys" antonyms: praise 2. another term for depreciate (sense 2). "he deprecates the value of children's television" Am i getting it right - somebody hurts developers feelings by calling something in the game useless/unwanted/ect and now after i had spent some time installing and making those elevators work on my ship - they are getting removed? Will this continue in the future? Should i stop using dirt ib4, coz someday it will be removed for being detested? Can someone elaborate to me how being deprecated equals to bugs?
which is also to say, "Remember when you overpaid for a prescribed set of PC hardware just so you can run an operating system that is supported by next to zero software developers outside some walled garden? Yeah well, it's time to do it again." :\
I can easily see where this confusion comes from. It's not being used as the dictionary word in this case, but rather as tech jargon. Generally, in IT or programming, a deprecated feature is one which is available, but not recommended or necessarily supported. Often this is because there's a new, better way to do things available. For the Elevator recipes, that's the Rail system which is intended as a replacement. Sometimes it's served a past purpose which it no longer does, such as development and testing shortcuts. This is likely the case for the now-removed binds. Until recently these things were still available, but deprecated. They are now removed. Though perhaps existing elevators will stay? I know there are some naturally occurring in the Rust biome, for instance. If this is case (and I don't know, haven't checked yet), while recipe is now removed, the items themselves are still deprecated. They exist, but you can't craft more of them.
Thank you for stopping by. I can interpreter the meaning behind the word better now, but it still does not cut a deal for this issue. I tested both the rails and elevators to choose which one will serve better for my ship project. Rails, as they currently are, are worth-while when crossing long distances, but when you need to switch ships decks with elegance, they are too cumbersome and not cool looking, also the moving platform tends to fall off sometimes without a concrete reason. Also, even with deeper meaning behind the word, i still fail to see how being deprecated equals to a bug.
It would be nice if there was more hotbar slots and the tools almost useless in combat weren't at the middle of the hotbar, separating half of my weapons with a wall of four extra mousewheel scrolls. Having so little hotbar space and switching it with a hard to reach X button doesn't make people want to try different weapons, there's barely enough room for the basic tools and weapons.
Depreicated, as it's used in programming, refers to a way of doing things that's frowned upon because there's a newer, better way. In this case, we use the rail system now instead of static elevators.
I'll thank you just like i thanked the fellow who answered to me above. But i don't agree with that reasoning, since rails may be newer than elevators, but they are not better in all of the aspects of their function. There are screwdrivers and there are automatic screwdrivers, and one does not throw out normal screwdrivers coz there is some newer, better way to drive a screw.
A bug is any behavior the developers do not intend. It doesn't have to be broken code, there may also be design and implementation bugs. The elevators are likely an instance of this, it's content they do not intend to be available to us but which made it through to the live release, whether due to oversight or time constraints. The keybinds which were removed either no longer serve any purpose or served a purpose which they do not intend us to have access to, and were also not intended to make it to release. "Bug" isn't necessarily a value judgment of whatever the bug is. A bug is simply something not intended by the developers. Bugs can be promoted to feature on discovery, albeit often with corrected code (see the history of Gandhi's violence in the Civilization series), but that's pretty rare. I could actually go on for a long time about this, but I'm skirting off-topic as it is The developers simply do not want us to use the elevators when the rail system is in place and intended as a replacement. That they list it in the bugs section does not mean that they don't know that some players did like it. There's likely room for disagreement and discussion of that over on the Suggestions section, but I'll be surprised if they change their minds They might be convinced to improve the rail system, though. The terminology is definitely something which can lead to some confusion, though. So I do see where these posts have come from.
Same issue, I even removed my mod and still won't load. deleted whole folder an reinstalled, nothing...
I do not agree with your take on developers reasoning, and arguing about why exactly they did what they did is pointless. But, reminds me of this