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Outdated Yet another Charcoal mod 1.0

Gaining more Coal for less wood on a furnace.

  1. Soranayo
    Bored of mining coal ? Bored to search around ? Or just too lazy or motivated to mine ? Grab your axe, chop down few trees, put the logs into a furnace, and gain some coal at a rate of 10 logs for one coal.

    At least, that was how it was done. I never liked searching for coal, and i find it pretty rare on higher tiers ( Or maybe i'm just unlucky. ) and a friend of mine thought the exact same thing, he made a small, sketchy mod about this, nothing changes except the rate of the coal you gain and the logs count. It changes it from 10 for one to 5 for two. So you don't have to get two hundred trees down just for 50 coal ! And i think that 5/2 isn't too overpowered, and that 10/1 is way too underpowered.

    Also, i must apologize about my english, heh.

    Edit : I'm happy you guys are enjoying it ! :D.

    Hope you'll enjoy it as we did.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
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    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. SharkDude
    Version: 1.0
    same thing about Easy Ingots,very helpful :D