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Outdated XIPHO [custom speed exploration shuttle] 2014

The "Xipho" its a customized ship based in the ECCA 721 structure

  1. maxibon9009
    Version: 2014
    Please update this for the newest version of the game, i always used this mod before the tiered ships came out, i really would like to be able to use this ship again!
  2. That.Fellow.Dutch
    Version: 2014
    Deciding between this ship and SERRA is a tough one. Keep up the good work guys! Any chance of an Apex ship in the makings?
  3. DeathEagle2004
    Version: 2014
    It's great.Enough said.
  4. stalerin
    Version: 2014
    I love small ships! They prevent you from making it your home. There so small and cozy, And i like how the walls aren't 1 inch thick. Very well done.
  5. foxguynecro
    Version: 2014
    OH MY GOD ITS AMAZING, i was searching for a cool little ship like this for so long i now theres some out there but this one is some hard work you now very awesome keep it up ;D
    1. Black Mud Customs
      Author's Response
      thanks! =D , we are pleased to know that the Xipho can fulfill your needs of transportation across the universe, we hope you can stay around to see our future ships ;)