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Outdated The Wings of Kluex v1.3

Avians will call you the reincarnation of Kluex with these!

  1. Stingerking999
    Version: v1.3
    it's great but i can't find where 2 get avian blood. please help me.
    1. RetroCyrus
      Author's Response
      You get the Blood of an Avian drop from the NPC Avian Temple Guard (Found at the Avian Temple's, of course). Its a pretty rare drop, so dont be alarmed if the first few dont drop it!
  2. Dragonflyspectrum
    Version: v1.3
  3. teihoo
    Version: v.1.1.2
    Great job! Maybe could only add different color versions :)
    1. RetroCyrus
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the positive review! My artist, aaaddd4747 and I have discussed this over and we do plan on making it a feature within the next few updates!