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Outdated SV-001 Gold Metal Slug 1.5

Adds The SV-001 Gold Metal Slug Into The Game

  1. Souzuke-Sagara
    Version: 1.5
    Please Update for Enrage Koala :(
    1. toxikskull258
      Author's Response
      Do you mean rampaging koala? I'm not to familiar with how they name there updates, cause it is updated for enraged koala and when the update that changes how mods work are released as a mandatory update then I'll update it but if you chose to go into nightly builds then I'm sorry but you'll have to wait. :( I just checked and I haven't gotten an update for the game. Respond back if I'm wrong about something though :P
  2. Maxiplayer
    Version: 1.0
    Oh yeah! bring back my childhood
    (but need more image and detail)
    1. toxikskull258
      Author's Response
      yeah i had to shrink the size a bit for it to fit on the humancar frames .png :( im really new to modding starbound (started 3 days ago :P) i'll continue to update this mod though by making slight improvements on it (hopefully add a gun on it) and maybe add the other colours. :)