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Outdated Starter Mechs v 1.2

Start the game with the Mech Techs unlocked. Those baddies don't seem so tough now.

  1. TheSpiderDungeon
    Version: v 1.2
    I hate this mod. It is a cheat mod and I want to do everything legit. You are a crappy modder. Never make a mod again.
    No, but in all seriousness, very nice job. I'm looking forward to using it!
  2. skulledrebel
    Version: v 1.2
    It was a lot of fun to play with, and surprisingly not as overpowered at the beginning of the game as I expected. You get a short burst of mech-time to use against the baddies so make it count!

    Wasn't able to find the "hoverbike" though, I'm really looking forward to that.
    1. PhoenixLink
      Author's Response
      Glad you enjoyed it. It turns out that there was something wrong with the hoverbike. I'm working on fixing that right now
  3. ropefish
    Version: v 1.2
    i like the idea, but i can't get the tech to show up anywhere :/
    1. PhoenixLink
      Author's Response
      You probably installed it wrong. Sorry.
  4. LegoRox12
    Version: v. Furious Koala
    1. PhoenixLink
      Author's Response
      Thank you. Please refer your friends!