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Outdated Portrait of Finn Learson 0.1


  1. Juice Box
    Juice Box
    Version: 0.1
    Juice Box thinks it's good, but there's a lack of Juice Box, so there's also a lack of 2 stars. But Juice Box also remembers that you're a mod, and doesn't want to get banned, so +1 star.
  2. ZeroRyu
    Version: 0.1
    It gives the game a unique experience. I love the attention to detail. The hat was nicely pixelated. Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the beard! It has a perfect bleach white texture and color. This mod easily gets a ∞ /1,000,000,000,000,000
    1. Finn Learson
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the kind words! Its my first mod, and I'm thinking about doing a follow up with more functionality, possibly a Learson quest line. If you've got any suggestions drop them in the thread discussion, I'm open to brainstorm :)