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Outdated Plasma Turret 1.1

Makes the standard turret much cooler and more useful!

  1. HamDemon
    Version: 1.1
    Very helpful little mod here that's working wonders keeping the skies of my settlement clear. The only problem is that the turrets still seem to aggro against my merchants and guards.
    1. Archer
      Author's Response
      Please redownload the latest version of the mod, make sure you are using it as well. Bullets can still hurt your NPCs, but they will not be targeted anymore.
  2. lordroy
    Version: 1.0
    This actually makes the turrets useful, however, there should be a number of them that can be made at different levels. Maybe from MK1 to MK4 (with each getting a better power supply, coal, uranium rods, plutonium rods, solarium rods... etc)
    1. Archer
      Author's Response
      I will do that in a separate mod, thing is, this is almost works fully on servers as well besides the recipe, and I'd like to keep it like that for now :P
  3. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 1.0
    Nice indeed,but...can we do a turret that doesn't hurt N.P.C.s?
    1. Archer
      Author's Response
      Fixed that now, redownload please :)
  4. naithaan
    Version: 1.0
    awesome definately needs to be added to the game