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Outdated PGNudity 1.0.0

Say 'Goodbye' to Granny Panties

  1. Welsh Heron
    Ever wondered why all the other races can get by in the nude just fine, but humans insist on always wearing those damn granny panties? The type that go up nearly to their belly buttons. Yeah, you know the ones.

    Well, now you can feel free to force those stubborn humans to give up their bloomers and jump on the all-natural bandwagon.

    Yes yes, before you say anything...there ARE other 'nudity' mods out there. But literally every one I've ever seen is most certainly not PG. Between choosing to wear those awful granny panties and having a pixelated hoo-ha, I chose neither and spent the time to edit the texture to something I liked better.

    Anyways, enjoy! Rate up if you like it.

    If mods have any problem with this, they can feel free to take this down at any point. After reading the 'rules' section of the Mods forum, I didn't see anything that this upload would do to conflict with any of the set rules. The last time I checked, barbie dolls were not considered 'offensive', but again, if any mod has a problem with this upload, they can feel free to take it down at any time. This paragraph is basically me, covering my butt in case I tripped over a rule I didn't think I was tripping over.

    And now, onto the mod description:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Just take the .zip folder from the download and extract the contents into your 'mods' folder. It's that easy.

    On an unrelated note...first mod!
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
    ShineyComet and simonster2001 like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. jhennice18
    Version: 1.0.0
    a very simple mod yet adds an essence to your "wink" needs :D

    one question mate..
    any plans on updating this mod??..
    like a doll nudity for humes
  2. denman
    Version: 1.0.0
    yay! my character wont be waving hiss dick around anymore!
  3. Epic Wizard
    Epic Wizard
    Version: 1.0.0
    It was done over 9000 times,also boobs are brown (wtf?)
    1. Welsh Heron
      Author's Response
      Thank you for your review. I actually wasn't aware that this was done as often as you say it was. As I said above, I looked for an alternative, but wasn't able to find one.

      I've never done pixel art before, and I thought it looked fine to me. I will try toning down the intensity. Obviously, I have a lot to improve on.

      Again, thank you for the feedback. It really is appreciated.