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Outdated PDAOPBlocks 0.0.2

Starbound's variety in one place!

  1. prodamn
    PDAOPBlocks - Starbound mod - by prodamn

    PDAOPBlocks, fixes something i always hated, you're bulding something and all of a sudden - no more blocks!
    Rather than going to hunt down tombs and dungeons for blocks, you can craft them.

    All the blocks are available right on from the 1st second the player, you, picked up the BlockBuilder.

    Now that a recipe for nearly every block in the game would flood the craftingtable like no tomorrow,
    we have a BlockBuilder. This nifty machine will list you all the recipes.


    If you want to use resources of PDAOPBlocks, you have to get my permissions first!
    If you want to use PDAOPBlocks in a modpack, you have to get my permissions first!
    If you want to share a modified version of PDAOPBlocks, you have to get my permissions first!

    PDAOPBlocks's recources, code and graphics are free for private use.
    For public use, you have to get my permissions first!


    I haven't tested ANY mod together with PDAOPBlocks,
    it may or may not run along other mods,
    if you combine PDAOPBlocks with other mods, and you experience problems,
    let the mod authors know or find yourself a fix.

    Found Bugs ?
    - let me know!
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

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  1. fixes!