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Outdated Party Mech 1.0.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)

Your friendly neighbourhood Party Mech.

  1. ThirdEyeGuercio


    "The error points out is trying to get data from a non-existent mech, a... party mech?"
    (some Starbound Forum user)​


    - 1.0.0: developed on Upbeat Giraffe game version (currently, unstable branch)


    This mod doesn't need a description. It's Party Mech. What else do you need to know?
    If you think this mod smells like the result of a trolling phase, well, you are right.
    Plus, this is my first Starbound mod, so please be kind. :)


    - The Party Mech, of course.
    - The song "Mary Techno Poppins" (author: myself)
    - A Party Mode modality


    Just extract the mod archive in your Starbound mods folder and you have pratically done.
    For any questions, use the discussion tab, please.


    - Craft the [Party Mech Unlocker] item through your basic crafting ability. This will let you use the Party Mech tech in the usual way (Note: the instant-success quest is just a mechanism to enable a tech in SB new version)
    - Once you have enabled the tech, you are free to use it, just like the other techs (press F to use the mech).
    - Do you wanna brag in front of your friends? Do you feel some inner joy pumping up through your body? Then just press G once you are using the mech and let the Party Mode be with you!
    Better at night.


    Just don't ask me to improve the collisions or something like that.
    Even if you are one of the only two persons that have downloaded this mod.
    Especially 'cause you are one of the only two persons that have downloaded this mod!


    @skizot: the original author that have made this wonderful creation
    @aMannus: the Party Mech has been his creation (or at least he was the one that modified it before me :rofl:). I just ported this wonderful job in the Upbeat Giraffe era and added some useless stuff.
    @healthire: general precious suggestions and explanations.
    @Kawa: precious suggestions on image handling. He's the source of the disco ball!
    @metadept: well, he just shoot 2 words and you have the solution to your problem. SB devs must rules, of course.
    @teihoo: help and moral support. And a wonderful Party Mech trailer! ...That I will not post here just to not ruin the surprise.


    If someone will be so brave to include or recycle this mod somewhere, well, just give some credit to me and aMannus. I know you will be kind. ;)


    1. partymechmodicon.png
    SilverDevil likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. xXfenfen
    Version: 1.0.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    great mod even though i fell it could use versions with diffrent songs or be able to select songs from the song list
  2. Luckywolfy
    Version: 1.0.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    "Explain why you're giving this a rating. Reviews which are not constructive blah blah blah"

    My reason? My reason is Party Mech.
    1. ThirdEyeGuercio
      Author's Response
      You're in the perfect mood for this, mate. Thumbs up! XD