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Outdated More Toy Blocks Mod 1.1

Adds more toy blocks to the game

  1. Clawnoob
    Version: 1.1
    It's good, but if you get the Dyemod or manually change the color options via Starcheat or other 3rd party software you can obtain different colors. Nicely done, none the less.
  2. Vuldreg
    Version: 1.1
    Really nice to see more color options for these blocks, It would be nice to see a silver colored block
    1. toxikskull258
      Author's Response
      Glad you like it, and ill get the hex code for silver on wikipedia and add it to the blocks in the next update.
  3. DragonZombie
    Version: 1.0
    Some of the colors are too bright, this is LEGO at its purest form!
    1. toxikskull258
      Author's Response
      hahaha, yeah when i was making the cyan blocks it was pretty rough on my eyes :P i made this mod because i wanted to have some blocks for pixel art though, i will add a darker variety of colored blocks soon :)