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Outdated Konan Wings 1.0

You watch Naruto? Manga spoiler, the ending kinda sucks.

  1. DJatomica
    Untitled.png Made for some random person I met on a server.

    Ever dream you could fly on wings of paper? Well you can't, because I didn't code these to fly. But you can have some flashy paper wings that don't fly, and wear a flying sweater under them. That's just as good right?

    If it's not already obvious by the title of the mod, these are based on the paper wings that the blue haired chick from Naruto named Konan uses. Are they an amazing drawing? Hell no. But honestly pixel art is harder than it may look from an outsider's perspective. Anyway, SOAR ON WINGS OF FIRE!
    Oh wait, wrong franchise. (Virtual cookies for getting the reference.)

    Warning: do not use to block fire, anime is unrealistic.

    To get the wings, go into your basic crafting menu. It'll be in there and you can craft them for 1 pixel.

Recent Reviews

  1. Notoyo
    Version: 1.0