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Outdated Instrumental Headstart 2.1

Give all currently available instruments to newly created characters.

  1. badboy_zay
    Version: 2.1
    don't know what people have been complaining about. mod works great for me (unstable winter update)
  2. AlexQuinn13
    Version: 2.1
    Didn't work for me, but will try a few things.
    1. curiouslyExistential
      Author's Response
      Reminder that this only works in the UNSTABLE build. And that you have to create a new character for it to do anything.
  3. Hobean
    Version: 2.0
    Get it working on non-nightly, I got excited at first only to be disappointed when I created a new character. I also didn't take the time to read the notice at the top of the web page stating it only worked in the nightly version.
    1. curiouslyExistential
      Author's Response
      The nightly branch at the time of pushing the 2.0 update introduced several improvements to json merging behaviour that made this mod possible in the first place (such improvements are now in Unstable). Former __merge functions were unsuitable for mods that needed to alter the ship locker. Cannot make it compatible with the Stable branch until that branch gets an update. That's how it's gotta be, I'm afraid.
  4. MylesH55
    Version: 1.2a
    It simply does not work.
  5. Alsehr
    Version: 1.2
    A fantastic mod, helps me test my music without a lot of fuss.
  6. Jimlad 42
    Jimlad 42
    Version: 1.1
    A nice mod, I needed all these instruments to play the song of my people. (A war song.)
  7. Kaguya The NEET
    Kaguya The NEET
    Version: 1.0
    This mod will save me a lot of time when the wipe arrives. I usually upload a lot of ABC files myself and I find it a hassle to retrieve all my instruments again. With this mod, I can continue to test my songs out without having to start from scratch. Thanks!
  8. Zoracio
    Version: 1.0
    Really nice Mod ! For Music lover ahah
  9. Relinies
    Version: 1.0
    It works, I like.