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Outdated Green Lightsaber 2013-12-12

Just a simple Lightsaber

  1. ThetaShard
    Version: 2013-12-12
    I keep seeing updates for this but It wont let me download it. I get a message "This attachment cannot be shown at this time. Please try back later." but it's never there....
    1. Cayote
      Author's Response
      Keep spamming middle mouse button, or scroll click.
      there's a problem with Starbounds download servers that won't allow you to download at all times, it will instead allow you like 1 in 10 times.
  2. Omegnarok
    Version: 2013-12-12
    Very helpful example on how a weapon mod looks, and really nice weapon art!
  3. Blazerer
    Version: 2013-12-12
    Because you're worth it.