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Outdated Fuel Rod Fix 1.3.2

Fixes fuel rods halving the fuel output of the material ores.

  1. Nate McCloud
    As of Offended Koala, Uranium Rods, Plutonium Rods, and Solarium Rods take 2 of their respective ores to make, yet only give the fuel output of one ore. This mod fixes that.
    • Changes Uranium Rod fuel value from 4 to 8
    • Changes Plutonium Rod fuel value from 6 to 12
    • Changes Solarium Rod fuel value from 8 to 16

Recent Reviews

  1. ravenvalentine
    Version: 1.3.2
    one issue fixed ~ ^^
    1. Nate McCloud
      Author's Response
      Glad you enjoy it! It's one problem that had bugged me ever since I first got to that stage of the game, and I know others must have been irritated by losing half the fuel value when smelting the ores.
  2. SuicidalKid
    Version: 1.3.1
    Nice to see that someone took care of a long-standing issue. Thank you.
    1. Nate McCloud
      Author's Response
      No problem! Was glad to do it.
  3. CuttsAndBruises
    Version: 1.3.1
    Thank you. This should have been done before things like Valentines Day.
    1. Nate McCloud
      Author's Response
      No problem. :) The developers should really take a closer look at their code. I've noticed several people have complained about this problem. Unfortunately, if you're playing on a server that doesn't have this mod, you'll still get only the unmodded amount...