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Outdated Frost Mourne!(my first mod) 2015-01-13

Legendary Sword.

  1. Qrowler
    Perhaps the most powerful weapon in the world, Frostmourne is the runeblade that Ner'zhul the Lich King forged from his Frozen Throne, intending that Arthas would discover it on the continent of Northrend.
    While exploring Northrend, Muradin Bronzebeard had heard rumors of the runeblade's power, and had been searching for it for some time when Arthas and his men arrived. When the forces of the dreadlord Mal'ganis began to close in around them, Arthas and Muradin set out to claim the weapon.
    Frostmourne was guarded by several revenants; they tried to warn Arthas of the danger, but he destroyed them regardless. When they found the sword, Muradin read the inscription on the dais:
    "Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit."
    Muradin realized that the blade was cursed, but Arthas said he would gladly bear any curse to save his homeland. When Arthas spoke those words, the ice encasing the sword shattered and exploded outward. A jagged shard struck Muradin, killing him on the spot. With the sword in hand, Arthas returned to his base and staged a counterattack against Mal'Ganis, quickly destroying the dreadlord's base.
    Mal'Ganis confronted Arthas, telling him that Ner'zhul knew he would take the cursed sword, and believing that Arthas was now on his side. To the demon's surprise, Arthas used the runeblade to slay the dreadlord at the Lich King's command.
    Upon taking Frostmourne, Arthas forfeited his soul to the Lich King and became a death knight.


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    3. 2015-01-13_00002.jpg
    YukiAiko and Terrariaismine like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. logan2252
    Version: 2015-01-13
    why is this mod not on the outdated mods selection
  2. Jasontanz
    Version: 2015-01-13
    please update it so it can be use on glad giraffe
  3. Lich
    Version: 2015-01-13
    Love it. Would you mind updating it with the armor too? :3
  4. Iten_Langly
    Version: 2015-01-13
    How I like this sword
    1. Qrowler
      Author's Response
      I wiil make Ashbringer. maybe)