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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Jackie2581
    Version: 4.21.3
    An awesome must have mod all around, the only complaints that I have is that the sub biome system messes up the FU biomes in that you could have a grass biome on a frozen star. another issue is that although I love all the new biomes, and the stars that they are present on, the FU stars kind of overcrowd the vanilla stars (BTW this is more of a 4.5 out of five)
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      um... the sub-biome thing is logical and intended , more or less. Entire planets are not necessarily a singular biome. Sometimes you'd have more habitable areas (potentially), for instance. Not seeing that as a negative point at all. And if you mean the Unknown biomes, Strange Sea, Shadow or other unscannables...thats the entire *point* of those biomes: 100% random. To each their own. Take care.
  2. TheBattleDude
    Version: 4.21.0
    Very Smooth and always awesome!
  3. MadToken
    Version: 4.20.10
    There are a few minor problems, it is a absolute nightmare to sort all the items even with storage mods, its impossible to find out where to go next without having the wiki in the next window which leads to my biggest complaint, progression is all over the place, there is no set way to limit your gear to a certain point so you dont get overpowered, there needs to be a set tier system in place so you dont accidentally skip 5 ranks, the quest system helps but it only tells you how to get going.

    oh and where the hell is metallic hydrogen, I cant find it, the computer wall thing says its not producible by extraction and the other things it says and the wiki doesn't say anything
  4. jerjerje
    Version: 4.20.8
    This is the best and biggest Mod I have ever seen.
    You wrote in the changelog that you put the StarTech extras in an addon mod, but I can't find that mod anywhere. (It's probably just me being dumb) Can anyone tell me where I can download it?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      steam workshop. I completely forgot to put it here.
  5. NeoslayerX
    Version: 4.20.8
    When I open a storage item that is 128 slots, it is in front of the inventory and I gotta move it every single time!!

    Who's there?
    Sayter who?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      thats not a problem with the mod. thats default starbound functionality. there is a mod to fix that issue somewhere
  6. Corgi King
    Corgi King
    Version: 4.20.8
    Its a really good mod! Some planets almost felt vanilla. Really adds some diversity to the universe
  7. Verfaulte Leiche
    Verfaulte Leiche
    Version: 4.20.8
    I refuse to play the game without this. The constant updates and additions are a bonus.
  8. NeC
    Version: 4.20.7
    It represents perfection!
  9. Baron46
    Version: 4.20.7
    i have Unigen installed is that fine?
  10. retrox500
    Version: 4.20.7
    this mod is great!!!
  11. Faser
    Version: 4.20.6
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      whatever PPAP means... PPAP !
  12. Bogachami
    Version: 4.20.6
    EXCELLENT MODE!!!!!!!!!
  13. Gameslinx
    Version: 4.20.5
    Very good mod, with a lot of content. Only problem is you removed the player glow from the matter manipulator's torch, which I hate. For anyone wanting to restore this glow, go to Starbound > mods > FrackinUniverse > player and open stat_primary.animation.patch with a text editor. Set Value to true and restart the game.

    That was the only thing which was bugging me, and causing my to die constantly, over and over.

    Other than that, very enjoyable mod.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      As stated directly in the mods description: It is removed so that dark biomes are dangerous. There are 40+ light sources in FU, many of which are quite simple to obtain. Not to mention the various vanilla light backpacks...
  14. Nuceeder
    Version: 4.20.4
    I couldn't live without this mod, it deserves to be in vanilla starbound. One problem is the if you use a jump tech and a grappling hook it is possible to climb over the edge of the science outpost and fall infinitely to your doom. Also, why is there a science outpost for every player? When you go to the science outpost you don't see anyone else unless you beam to their science outpost. Why doesn't it work like the regular outpost? Srsly, though, great mod, good work. Would patreon if I could afford it.
  15. cchao0705
    Version: 4.20.3
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      english please. Literally everything else on this page is in english.
  16. Jawick
    Version: 4.20
    WOW, what a mod this is!! I got tired of exploring the vanilla game real quick after finishing the main missions because of the lack of variation and limited crafting options.

    I had some doubts about FU first, afraid it would change the game to much, now i know how wrong i was.

    This fanatstic mod respects the original game, adds a crazy amount of depth in both crafting and exploring. Makes building interesting again..ANd works great with most mods on this formu. The fact that most mods have added FU compatibility fixes speaks for itself.

    Not trying this mod is a missing out on a great experience. It enhances every aspect of the game.

    The only thing that didnt work for me was landing on rainforest planets, got spawned right back to my ship. If that keeps happening ill upload the logfile.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      logfile would certainly help, yea. I'll see if I can land on them. I'm betting its a mob issue.
  17. dyson of jojo
    dyson of jojo
    Version: 4.19.9
    the only problem i am running into atm is that your higher up epp (heat/cool/radiation) don't provide o2
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      thats not a bug. It's a feature. You have two dozen other ways to provide oxygen. Armor with 02 built in. Plants. Packs. Augments, etc.
  18. KingTomato
    Version: 4.19.7
    An amazing mod. Gives me way more plants to farm. Stars to explore and weapons to collect! Only problem is how common binary stars are. If the amount of binary stars are reduced. i think it would be perfect. Another problem is finding way too much FU planets that drown out the vanilla planets.
  19. mocoyo
    Version: 4.19.7
    I like it. More systems,More items,More Exploration= Keep playing starbound
  20. SolarDiver
    Version: 4.19.6
    A very complete mod, love it!