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Outdated CanaanClothes 1.0

One small set of clothes

  1. DJatomica
    Canaan.png Made for Beta V. Enraged Koala
    Why Canaan clothes? Because my main character is named Canaan and I made this set for him. It's basically just a re-skin of the scientist coat set. Why make something so seemingly pointless? I wanted a blue coat for my character, sue me. Also, I wanted to see if I could. I'm uploading it mainly for storage purposes, but I thought I'd let others download it if they want.

    The legs and chest parts of the outfit have the same stats as their tier 10 human armor counterpart. However, the head piece has a bunch of other upgrades. In addition to having the same effect as the tier 10 human helmet, the Canaan head also provides you with air, heat, improved vision distance, slightly faster healing then a bed, and 3 times the light source of the back-pack torch. It is also invisible, so if you like your default head you can wear it without fear of having it look weird. All three of the items can be crafted for 1 pixel from your mobile crafting menu, no portable 3D printer required.

    To install this mod, Just drop it in your Starbound/mods folder.

    Maybe if I actually ever learn to draw, pixel art or otherwise, I'll update this or make something new.
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