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Outdated Better Coal 1.3 Enraged Koala

1 Coal = 1000 Fuel

  1. Sethh
    Changes Coal Fuel Amount
    1 Coal = 1000 Fuel

    Now craftable from the [C] menu!
    I thought this would be great for explorers and people who just like to skim the surface of planets.​


    After complaints about this mod being unbalanced it has been updated to be even MORE unbalanced!

    Note: If you think this mod is too simple don't bother commenting just go make it your self or move on.
    If you think this mod is unbalanced or a waste of time don't download it.

    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    xxxscootxxx, Melvin_ and uno1988 like this.

Recent Updates

  1. Enraged
  2. Furious Koala
  3. Now craftable from the [C] menu!

Recent Reviews

  1. jokeurface
    Version: 1.3 Enraged Koala
    why the download link dont work
  2. avakiir
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    Created a mod I'm too lazy to do myself?
    screw it, have an upvote.
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
  3. Randomperson11
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    I like the idea of this mod! The only problem is I want it more balanced, though maybe it's because I'm trying to integrate it into a survival playthrough of the game, either way I like it! Keep up the good work!
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
  4. blaketh
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    dunno its okay
    1. Sethh
  5. popcar2
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    people keep whining on how they can make this mod easily, well why did you even bother to download this?
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
      That was my initial thought.
      Or even take the time to review it haha.
  6. vladmirfox
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    Thank you for this mod I have a feeling that it will greatly help me in general exploration and just having fun :3 plz keep up the good work
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
      Thanks :)
  7. Gun_Shy
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    Hey, you're taking a lot of flack for this thing. I think that's unacceptable. You clearly made this mod for people who want to casually explore the Starbound universe, and don't have the time to figure out how to dig through the files to make special configurations. Yet, people are treating you like you're trying to build an impressive modding reputation on this. Those people are elitist d*uche bags. Thanks for this!
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
      I couldn't agree more :)
      I appreciate that.
  8. Zuvaii
    Version: 1.2 Furious Koala
    While this mod is indeed very simple in what it does, it also makes it that much easier for people who have strings of bad luck when new planets are being hit with meteors of all sizes and forcing to relocate or using mods where coal is a valued resource on top of being used for converting metal to better tiers for racial armor and weapons. One thing that makes Starbound great is exploring new worlds and this mod helps out a LOT in that manner by making me not worry if I'll find enough coal nodes on any given planet. It's a simple quality of life mod that goes a long way.
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
      Very happy you like it :)
      Thanks for the review!
  9. Zoteck
    Version: 1.1
    I like the older starbound fueling mechanic and its just harder to move planet to planet
    1. Sethh
  10. SynnGraffkin
    Version: 1.1
    Wow, something that I could EASILY edit on my own for a download.
    I agree with severedskullz.
    1. Sethh
      Author's Response
      That sure is constructive!