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Outdated Atom Technologies[REBORN!] 1.0

New ship, new objects, new tools, and lets try to get more to come!

  1. Spirels
    Version: 1.0
    There's a bit of lag on this ship, which is very unusual. Any ideas why?
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      I find that the lag dies down once out of range of the shipengine sounds, not sure why they would be causing any sort of lag as it is a standard .wav used on many ship mods. I'll attempt to fix this issue, or otherwise remove the shipengine sounds entirely.
  2. Spitfyre
    Version: 1.0
    As soon as I saw this ship, I downloaded it in the blink of an eye. Love it and it's a hell of a lot better than other ship models (in my opinion).
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much! If you love this version just wait until the second one comes out(Its quite a bit bigger).
  3. beefsteak07
    Version: 1.0
    does it change the ship of an already created character or just new ones? also awesome mod
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      All ship mods on the forum can change the ship of existing character's, what you need to do however is install it for the right race, and then delete your character's .SHIPWORLD file in the "player" folder. Launch the game and load up that character and it should replace the ship.
  4. Gindew
    Version: 1.0
    Love the new Objects! i am in love with the Ship Design! Keep it up!
    1. JesseKomm
      Author's Response
      Much appreciated! I'm going to attempt to keep updating this mod pack with new and exciting features. Though I will say that I am working on a separate mod at this very moment that will not tie into Atom Tech.