Comments on Profile Post by Phlosioneer

  1. King Glorie
  2. Phlosioneer
    If it makes you feel any better, if you hadn't liked my post I would have found you just 5 mins later with a web crawler. :P
    Sep 17, 2014
  3. King Glorie
    King Glorie
    I enjoy the fact your progression to find me was..

    Guessing into scraping forum likes via a bot.
    Sep 17, 2014
  4. Phlosioneer
    Weeeelll I would have gone straight for the bot, but one sentence wasn't enough to get a vocab recognition algorithm working. Dun worry about the steam credit.
    Sep 17, 2014
  5. King Glorie
    King Glorie
    Ahh, a man of challenge rather than of reward, I respect that.

    Let me know if something on Steam comes along you want then.
    Sep 17, 2014