Comments on Profile Post by Yukutren

  1. Raybrandt
    Probably. Too bad I left there nearly a year ago, eh?
    Dec 4, 2013
  2. Yukutren
    Too bad, you seem like a nice person
    Dec 4, 2013
  3. Raybrandt
    Eh, I used to be, but there's just too much tumblr/reddit/Youtube for my tastes nowadays, mostly in the chat and such. Around the time I left, videogames were seriously just a side show - everyone was just using the site as their personal blog. Just not really interested in people using it as a place to garner attention, which was turning into 'everybody'.
    Dec 4, 2013
  4. Yukutren
    I guess I'll see you in game then, not much time left for the beta.
    Dec 4, 2013