Comments on Profile Post by ImmortalFrog

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  2. Evangelion
    I can't wait for X&Y either.
    I like getting physical copies, the cases are cool to collect and I like having the DS game card.
    Oct 2, 2013
  3. ImmortalFrog
    I would get a physical one but there isn't exactly a gamestop in Malaysia. There are some legit but otherwise they're all counterfeit. That and I live outside of the capital so it's still hard to get even if there were some.
    Oct 2, 2013
  4. Evangelion
    I don't really like buying from gamestop anyways since they're so damn cheap, the swindlers! I probably just go to a wal-mart or something.
    Oct 2, 2013
  5. ImmortalFrog
    There are no game stores here. But you're right, even during my four years at New Zealand I would go to the Walmart-esque store rather than the actual game store.
    Oct 3, 2013
  6. Evangelion
    Well it's good digital copies exist when there's no store around. I used to be in a place where there was a Wal-mart, but it never got any new stock... That being said, you have the Euro version of the 3DS?
    Oct 3, 2013
  7. ImmortalFrog
    Nooo. I bought mine in Malaysia where I currently reside in. I have the Malaysia/Singapore version.
    Oct 4, 2013
  8. Evangelion
    Ehhh, that's confusing. I wonder if the marketplace is the same for all regions... is yours region locked? Actually after taking a look, it seems the Malaysian 3DS is part of the NA network so it should be the same as mine. Funny how Japan get's it's own little DS region while the rest of the world is lumped together.
    Oct 4, 2013
  9. ImmortalFrog
    I can play DS games from New Zealand just fine.
    Oct 4, 2013
  10. Evangelion
    Isn't New Zealand hella far from Malaysia?
    Oct 4, 2013
  11. ImmortalFrog
    Oct 4, 2013
  12. Evangelion
    You order them online?
    Oct 4, 2013
  13. ImmortalFrog
    I lived there for four years. I hope that clarifies it.
    Oct 4, 2013
  14. Evangelion
    Oh I sees. You've been to a bunch of places huh.
    Oct 4, 2013
  15. ImmortalFrog
    Yup. I've also been to England for two years albeit I was only like -9 months old when I was there.
    Oct 4, 2013
  16. Evangelion
    Lucky you huh... I've only been up and down the US east coast.
    And a bit of the Caribbean.
    Oct 4, 2013
  17. ImmortalFrog
    Arrrr. Also US is a big place, you'd be lucky to venture half of it. All the countries I have been to are either during my younger years when I can't enjoy it much (like Saudi Arabia and England) or just small countries (like New Zealand and Malaysia). New Zealands pretty cool though, like Australia except without the spiders. Tasty milk and ice cream too.
    Oct 4, 2013
  18. Evangelion
    It is a big place... I still wish I could travel west every once and a while instead of just seeing beaches all the time. I've technically been to Mexico once... but still. Saudi Arabia sounds like an interesting place to go to. Have you ever been to Australia? It seems the two are pretty close to each other. (NZ).
    Oct 4, 2013
  19. ImmortalFrog
    Actually I haven't been there yet. When I get older I'll go there assuming the world doesn't fall into a dystopia or anything. The people there are nice.
    Oct 5, 2013
  20. Evangelion
    The nice people make up for all the dangerous crazy things there... damn spiders!
    Oct 5, 2013
  21. ImmortalFrog
    I don't mind spiders but Australian spiders are a different story.
    Oct 5, 2013
  22. Evangelion
    I bet they do straight into tarantula size...
    Oct 5, 2013
  23. Evangelion
    Oct 5, 2013
  24. ImmortalFrog
    Search "Black Widow". If you ignore the scarlet johanson you get something scary.
    Oct 6, 2013
  25. Evangelion
    Ah, you mean the one with the red hourglass right?
    We have quite a few of those around here, killed two of them before... one of my uncles actually kept on as a pet once too... It's scary what they can do to you in just one bite.
    Oct 6, 2013
  26. ImmortalFrog
    Where exactly is "here"? I thought Scarlett Johansson was native to Australia.
    Oct 6, 2013
  27. Evangelion
    East coast of the USA.
    Oct 6, 2013
  28. ImmortalFrog
    Oh yeah. Forgot you said that.
    Oct 6, 2013
  29. Evangelion
    Even I don't remember saying it haha.
    But yeah, we have brown recluses too..
    Oct 6, 2013
  30. ImmortalFrog
    Eeek. I don't mind spiders that much. I just don't like the hairy ones.
    Oct 6, 2013
  31. Evangelion
    We have like no tarantulas here, thankfully.
    Oddly enough as I was typing this, there was this huge spider on the wall next to me... I freaked the hell out.
    Oct 6, 2013
  32. ImmortalFrog
    Hah. Speak of the devil.
    Oct 7, 2013
  33. Evangelion
    I know right... ugh, now I'm always checking the walls around the computer desk.
    Oct 7, 2013
  34. ImmortalFrog
    Spiders can't do much. It kills flies and mosquitoes yet people are afraid of them. Kinda like horses. Dem shit is scary.
    Oct 7, 2013
  35. Evangelion
    Except there's no mosquitoes or flies in the house hah... spiders can go anywhere but in my house, they're creepy! They have 8 goddamn legs! I don't mind horses, they're cool.
    Whales though... oh man.
    Oct 7, 2013
  36. ImmortalFrog
    Whales are creepy. Despite being mammals, they're just... different...
    Oct 7, 2013
  37. Evangelion
    They're just too big! The ocean itself is pretty scary for me... underwater creatures...
    Oct 7, 2013
  38. ImmortalFrog
    Underwater creatures are cool but DEEP underwater creatures are nightmares.
    Oct 7, 2013
  39. Evangelion
    I hate anything big that could be under the water... the concept of giant squid is pretty terrifying in itself.
    Oct 7, 2013
  40. ImmortalFrog
    The japanese seems to adore squids and octopuses. I find them quite intimidating. And those Sharktopus.
    Oct 7, 2013
  41. Evangelion
    Yes... "adore".
    But they are scary... I mean the ocean is one of the planet's least explored places, there could be so much more down there than we know. Leviathans!
    Oct 7, 2013
  42. ImmortalFrog
    Even space isn't that scary. Theoretically speaking, if a fish was to be able to withstand the pressure from the sea at the most deepest area, then if it were to go on land wouldn't it explode from lack of pressure? I guess those scary alien fish aren't oming anytime soon. :3
    Oct 8, 2013
  43. Evangelion
    Well the scariest part is that you can't see anything, who knows what's under that blue wall of water! Only to have something brush against your leg... ughg.
    But yeah the abyss fish would get something akin to pressure sickness I believe, not that they could do much on land anyways without feet :o
    Oct 8, 2013
  44. ImmortalFrog
    but wat if kraken?
    Oct 8, 2013
  45. Evangelion
    Goddamn krakens... always getting in the way.
    Still, I doubt they could move across land very well with a mass of floppy tentacles.
    Oct 8, 2013
  46. ImmortalFrog
    Tentacles can't move very well. I bet they're even hard. This pretty much disproves like have of the doujins ever made. Unless the tentacles have strong muscles but there is no need for that so even if it's in the future, even if it takes billions of years, it's unlikely that Squids will get powerful tentacles. Assuming you believe in evolution. Don't wanna start a fight here :o
    Oct 8, 2013
  47. Evangelion
    Even then, they probably can't breath out of water so... yeah!
    Tentacles just aren't the best thing to move around with on land, I mean imagine them trying to run with them- they would get hunted by like lions and tigers all the time!
    Oct 8, 2013
  48. ImmortalFrog
    Assuming tigers and lions like seafood. They'll be killed by seagulls before the whole body can get out of the water. Especially if the kraken emerges at Australia.
    Oct 9, 2013
  49. Evangelion
    Well they are just big cats right? They probably like fish and seafood of the sort. I don't know much about seagulls though, I guess they would peck at it constantly haha. It would certainly dry up pretty fast though.
    Oct 9, 2013
  50. ImmortalFrog
    Unless it was at the night. Also bears eat fish, humans do too. Just imagine it being killed then shipped off to Africa. Would probably solve the famine problem there.
    Oct 9, 2013
  51. Evangelion
    Maybe, I mean personally I'm not too eager to try out kraken sushi or whatever... that sounds like a bit much to me haha.
    I don't like the taste of octopus and squid anyways. The best the kraken would do is screw up fishing in the area. Good thing we have planes to travel nowadays...
    Oct 9, 2013