Comments on Profile Post by Belgoliad

  1. Zailiner
    Lucky Star? The anime that I really want to enjoy but can't get into. Downloaded the whole anime in 1080p and everything.

    I'll give it another chance sometime. Plenty of free time in the holidays.

    Nice to meet you though.
    Sep 21, 2013
  2. Belgoliad
    Well, you could draw that connection. I was just gonna say "Males with pink haired, green-eyed anime female avatars." And definitely nice to meet you as well, Zail.
    Sep 21, 2013
  3. Zailiner
    Eh, I assumed it to be something related to anime.
    Was just pointing out your avatar :p
    Sep 21, 2013
  4. Belgoliad
    And it is a very valid thing to point out, amigo. I haven't actually seen the series since I was in middle school, so I don't have any right to say I'm any more in to it. The character designs, however, do stick with me.
    Sep 22, 2013