Comments on Profile Post by An Old Knight

  1. General Nuclear
    General Nuclear
    Physically? Yes, Mentally however?
    Apr 7, 2020
  2. General Nuclear
    General Nuclear
    Well i went out with my crush a while before the corona stuff happened and we had a great time. Then i overheard from a voice chat a few days later about how embarrassing it was for her, i broke up and then friend-Zoned her, Then i tried to get back together with her a few weeks later, but she didn't want that, then i tried again later on, still no.
    Apr 7, 2020
  3. General Nuclear
    General Nuclear
    And now i have agreed to help here brothers with making stuff in blender for a game they are making, but i keep breaking down so i am not getting anything don. So Mentally? Not great, not terrible. (inside my mind lately)
    Apr 7, 2020
  4. An Old Knight
    An Old Knight
    That's rough. I've had girl problems too, it wasn't fun and very mentally... "destructive". I hope things go better in the near future for you. (I'm also aware that not being mentally well is a massive block for modeling and such, I've had a hard time recently with modeling and drawing myself.)
    Apr 9, 2020
    General Nuclear likes this.