Comments on Profile Post by General Nuclear

  1. Daikon Ocelot
    Daikon Ocelot
    *Look on with confusion* "Er... yeah, yes... kind of, is there anything I can help?"
    Sep 7, 2019
    General Nuclear likes this.
  2. General Nuclear
    General Nuclear
    *Takes a dramatisk pauce while posing*... Perhaps! *looks back at with a serious face* Are you willing to accept a request on behalf of the atomic army for a request of a magnificent art piece of their equally magnificent and humble leader!?
    Sep 8, 2019
  3. Daikon Ocelot
    Daikon Ocelot
    *Put on his captain's cap* "Yeah, why not."
    Sep 10, 2019
  4. General Nuclear
    General Nuclear
    Eeexcellent! I will look forward to this. You shall not regret this favor *Suddenly a Dark ominous voice whisper inside moor al-malik's head* "The contract has been sealed" *Then he Gives a salute* Aaaa-Attention.. hutt!.. General Nuclear!.. Out! *Spontaneous Explode into a body sized nuclear explosion without leaving a trace behind, while a fading ominously laugh is heard as the smoke clears*
    Sep 10, 2019