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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. contentdeleted

    contentdeleted Void-Bound Voyager

    Or maybe you should just give the trailer begging a rest. A trailer showing unpolished or unfinished alpha content will only turn away more fans then it will bring in. The devs will release a trailer when the feel that Starbound is ready for one.
  2. Flowless

    Flowless Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm pretty okay with pets, in the respect that it wont delay the game much longer. I honestly just want to play Starbound as soon as possible and I think others feel the same way as well. How about adding different vanity armors at the tiers? Maybe more pieces for the create a character? Is pixel art costly time-wise? I think that would be a great way to add incentives and rewards without delaying the game much. I understand you guys want to get full blown lore going for different races, so I know that will definitely take time to develop, but visual stuff might be ok. In that respect, pets are fine.
    shallama_llama likes this.
  3. Strongbuns

    Strongbuns Void-Bound Voyager

    Instead of pets... Why not companions? Like in torchlight 2, a companion can aid in combat, sell items, and use its own items.
    ErekoseDM likes this.
  4. IndieGamerRid

    IndieGamerRid Zero Gravity Genie

    Pets (the ability to tame creatures you find and have them as combat allies) are already in the game. I don't think most people voting realize this either.
  5. jglitch

    jglitch Aquatic Astronaut

    cArrot aka rabbit terraria
  6. Hako

    Hako Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm not a big fan of the pets, either. I do like the idea of capturing monsters and using the genes to edit your pet so to speak.
    Zeon likes this.
  7. xtkbilly

    xtkbilly Orbital Explorer

    I don't think the idea of pets is really the issue, but the idea of starter pets, ones that you get immediately. Seems too easy, especially if they don't do anything. I'd like to collect or earn them.
  8. Waz

    Waz Aquatic Astronaut

    The first $250000 came from people who wanted the game to be released sooner. We wanted to help. ANYTHING you add will, even if only in a small way, slow down development. Please add nothing more, or if you must, add easy cutsie stuff like pets. Don't pile on features!

    My suggestion for a $1M goal: a firm release date.
  9. CrowReaper

    CrowReaper Void-Bound Voyager

    i would like to have a starter pet but it would have to be optional
  10. Dako

    Dako Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Maybe pets that do have some features but don't initiate in combat, such as one might give off a small amount of light, or can search for items etc, that way you want to collect new pets to bring on different planets as they all have slightly different abilities?
    Strongbuns, Shippo, RWB and 1 other person like this.
  11. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    I can has Nyan Cat pet?
  12. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I know a lot of people like pets, but here are number of idea's I like to see which expand on gameplay, dynamics, and keeping the game fresh.

    Living Planets

    Dead Planets

    Ravaged Planets

    NPC Armies / Raids

    Most of all I'd like to see NPC factions which may be friendly or hostile (depending on your race or actions on quests/sides quests) which also build and dig for resources. I remember quite a while back the idea was floated that NPC's armies could attack your base in Terraria with siege which could actually damage your structures. You could also scout out their fort and do the same. A home star system could be flagged which could never be attacked to keep your fancy builds from becoming a pile of rubble.
    Shahab, BeDOS and Bop-it_Bill like this.
  13. Lithen

    Lithen Orbital Explorer

    Nothing against pets to be honest, as long as I can feed it and such, kind of like a pokemon or a tamagochi if anyone remember those.
    Like evolving pet, might be a little code heavy though.
    Or instead of a Pet a "humanoid" companion? Combat or Support or maybe just even a person who hangs out in my spaceship, taking care of controls or the medbay or whatever.


    Anyway I'm fine with either :)
    Radicool likes this.
  14. punkypie

    punkypie Cosmic Narwhal

    I have to confess that after the previous two goals this seems a bit poor, I'm sorry to be bad, I love your work, dedication and love to the community but I must be honest: the new race will bring us new clothes, dungeons, items... the fossils will give us more fun when you dig, but starter pets will be soon replaced by monsters that will be more prepared for combat, so soon will lose its use.

    Even so, I fully understand how difficult it is to add new content without delaying the game and I'm sure after thinking what would be the next award, you, the creators of the game you decide that this is the best option, I hope this feature helps in future have better and more complete pet sistem soon.

    in the future goals maybe would be cool to put abandoned spacecraft in Starbound, it may be small ships or gigantic space cities, but are dungeons focused on terror, only emergency lights, broken glass, smashed doors and walls, wires hanging from the ceiling, you see no sign of the crew ... strange noises are heard in the darkness of the spacecraft ...
    (you MUST use the lantern, all is dark) full of dangers but also with interesting rewards and equipment, the enemyes could be aliens, zombies or crazy crew...
    starbound space dungeons.gif
    But this is only a personal silly idea

    I'm sure though the option of starter pets was the best available option not to delay the game's release.Do not be discouraged and continue to be just as great as you are always the most important thing is to finish the game! ;)

    tell me if there is anything you do not understand, my English is not very good :p
  15. Kotyn

    Kotyn Big Damn Hero

    Hellow. Probably autors can add in game some Genetic Engineering Tool, which allow you create you own pet what the player wants. For example, maybe i like a kitty and a dog, but i can at the same time use both of them. And this strange tool help me to create a some kind of a catdog :D
    Or this tool may change some kinds of pet, it legs, head, or maybe color. It would be awesome, i think.
    Sorry for bad English. Write as well as can :)
  16. skyychild

    skyychild Master Chief

    I like the idea of pets. I would be very happy with pets.

    On the other hand its your game vision, and I would be happy with whatever you put into it.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  17. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I completely agree with this, now that I think of it. Every second you spend on a "Little Thing" is just another second we don't get to play.
  18. ammartino

    ammartino Void-Bound Voyager

    There was a tweet from Starbound earlier for a link to a "What is Starbound" YouTube video made by a community member TFGoose. It is really more than a trailer, since it shows footage from most of the existing posted videos and screenshots. It also shows the roadmap and it talks about many of the game's features.
  19. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Give me Nyan Cat plz!
  20. MasterKirk

    MasterKirk Poptop Tamer

    I'd just like to point out (sorry if its already been stated within the 421 posts) but $250k to the next goal, or the title of a $1million stretch goal does not mean that have another $250k available just for that one addition to the game. Remember we are 'pre-ordering' meaning we are paying towards the time they, the amazing creators, have spent developing the game as a WHOLE not just one more addition.

    Personally, I'd like to see another really neat feature, such as pets, which hopefully won't add to much more in the way of man hours to the development. This would allow more of their time to be spent completing the various other aspects of the game.

    Can't wait for the release! :)
    Zeon and Katzeus like this.
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