22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Automatomatic

    Automatomatic Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't really have very many mods loaded in, and most of the ones I do have don't really have a place in the main game (Star Wars, Firefly, etc.). However, there are a couple mods that would fit very nicely in the main game.

    The Avali race is very creative and well done, and would definitely fit into the main game.

    The other mod that I would love to see is the Lightdrones mod. I realize that it serves the same purpose as the lantern on a stick, but the lightdrone is just much more aesthetically pleasing, and fits much better into the theme of the game than a simple light on a stick.
  2. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    I would definitely agree to Avali and Light Drones, while also asking that the real-time version of Persistent Farmables, the Ammo Overhaul, and Hunting+ mod be implemented.
  3. Sern

    Sern Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    • MMNgun - because the more booms, bangs, & whizzes the better
    • Lightdrones or equivalent
    • StarBooze (who doesn't like the idea of alcohol production & consumption roleplay? adds to the flavor.)
    • StimLab or equivalent
    • jte farming (more of a patch I think but also has nice options for offline crop growing which I think makes sense)
    • PrintingPress or equivalent
    • Colonies or equivalent content delivery
  4. Maku

    Maku Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    are there any mods that add musican NPCs? then that :p i don't want some band on my ship
  5. SpacemanStrife

    SpacemanStrife Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll put my vote in for the following mods:

    XS Mechs (They're way too fun to be left out, imo)
    Variety Is The Spice Of The Universe (particularly the modification that makes a planet's distance from the sun affect its biome, so you won't find snow biomes in planets that are very close to the sun)
    Persistent Farmables (namely to avoid cheating/complications for players who use farming as their main source of income in the full version)
    AnTiMonster (more monster variety)
    Colorbound (more outfit, hair and skin colors)

    Basically, I'm all for any mods that add more variety to the game in a quality fashion. More biomes, more weapon types, more items, more structures, etc.It'll make the universe feel a whole lot more exciting!
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  6. jazari

    jazari Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  7. Revenicus

    Revenicus Poptop Tamer

    World mods, period.
  8. Broken-Steel

    Broken-Steel Title Not Found

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  9. Honeybee

    Honeybee Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The wastelands mod is a must. And extended songbook. The only one I don't want seen in, is Creative Mode. As it encourages people to cheat.
    v6ooo likes this.
  10. Whit2694

    Whit2694 Space Spelunker

    I would love to see more races in the game, there are a lot of good on amongst the mods but the Avali are one of the first that come to mind
  11. xbonedragonx

    xbonedragonx Astral Cartographer

    I have one question for the dev's. Seeing as they (the dev's) are asking for feedback on what mods we would like to see in the game, does this mean that they are going to implement the mods themselves into the game, or take the ideas and implement those ideas into the game. I know some of us (myself included) love the ideas of some of these mods, i love most tool mods ideas, 4x4 picks/4x4 drills being one of the first mods i installed, and the tiered matter manipulator being another, these ideas are amazing implementations to the base game. But, speaking for myself here, I want to see what the developers think of, do they like doing this or that, i think that if we the people (ha..haha..hahaha) could get THEIR feedback on what they are thinking of doing, it would make it easier for them to decide if the idea, and as such, the product, would be well recieved.

    "I have an eternal rivalry with the floor!! Its the ceiling of opposite world!!" Crypt, the insane DCD.
  12. Claith

    Claith Big Damn Hero

    I'm assuming they are doing a direct copy / paste into the game's assets for as much of the mod as they like if and when they do implement a mod. They may improve some assets if they feel like it I guess. I would hope that in a case like my mod, if it was accepted, they would give me direct feedback on any changes they may want pre-inclusion. I'm thinking I need to lower gem values in the refinery, but I've gotten no feedback from anyone, and I have trouble playing the game myself as I seem to get more fulfillment modding. If they implemented their own version of the mod into the game, that would take away more time that could be spent on the base game, so that would defeat the purpose. The idea is to use the mods to help speed up the game's release with more features than initially planned or thought of.

    I'm more concerned about how the community seems to think the game will be, and not how the developers see how the game would be. The whole additional race mod thing took off in this thread, and those make no sense to be added to the game. I find it funny that the mod community did the stretch goal of the Novakids for them, but they likely want to take it in another direction, especially with their own intro cinematic post-release. When it comes to tools, I'm sure that they will implement their own improvements. The game isn't even half way done. I will consider it halfway when the 7th tier of content is in place, and the act of the finishing touches on all of it I'm assuming would take place of 3 tier's content worth of time.

    In other words, I'm trying to say that wanting to implement mechanics that change gameplay in non-novel methods at this point is too short sighted to be accepted. The Fully Customizable Ship? Very good. I use it myself, but once their own plans are implemented with the upgradable ship system and space stations, 95% of those that want ship mods, will be happy with their current ship, unless they want another race's. Previously they implemented the Skyrails mod, because it was novel and fun, not because it made the game easier for players, like the 4x4 picks.

    Getting feedback from the sponsors (pretty much us that pre-ordered) is important to a certain degree, but I'd have to say they should ignore most of it and I'm sure they know that. The perfect example occurred recently with the Twitch Plays Pokemon. That is why listening to masses doesn't work. By the time something gets done right, 99+% of what happened was wasted, and they don't have the money or the stress balls to squeeze for that. They know this, so it is up the community to realize that they need to take an objective and not subjective stance. The end result of this game will be very different from what I've seen as what is expected from the community. The community seems to think of this game as a Terraria-in-space, with a direct line of gameplay, sort of like it is now with the hard set tiers. The end goal of the game, is to create a sprawling breathing in-game universe where player progression is just a side-effect of playing in it. That isn't to say that I don't have my own concerns. Three sectors are planned: Adventure (what we have now), PVP, Creation. Do each of these sectors get their own home planets? If so, then the interface will have to be updated again.
    Broken-Steel likes this.
  13. xbonedragonx

    xbonedragonx Astral Cartographer

    Very true, and I agree with most of what you said. I'm just now getting into modding myself, so I understand what you say when you would like input. I would certainly want input on my ideas and mods, so I know if I need to change something. Some of these ideas ARE really good ideas, others are simply visual changes that really have no relevance (not in a bad way though) to what I'm sure they are going for. When I look at the Tiers as they are now, I notice that they ARE incomplete, which being a beta is no surprise. That's why I'm focusing my modding efforts to implement something I would like to see NOW, even if it may become outdated tomorrow. It's good practice.

    I think they should use what we think as a "Hey, people want this, lets put it on the drawing board, see when we can get to it, and see where it fits in with what we want to do.". To be honest, I have never considered what Starbound is now as actually "Starbound", but rather a mere precursor to what will be "Starbound" in the future. The three sectors that they have planned could be completely separate, or they could intimately linked, could be one solid server a sector, or multiple split sectors within sectors. These things are subject to change, and I am completely fine with it. Concerns like that are things we all worry about in one way or another, it's just finding the perfect mix of efficiency, quality, and quantity (or something like that).
    Claith likes this.
  14. OrochiTabris

    OrochiTabris Big Damn Hero

    At the top of my list would be the Combat Overhaul and Ammo Overhaul mods. The mobile weapon swoosh shield is a little ridiculous, faster swooshes make a lot more sense. It makes combat feel less cheap, since you can't swing a hammer or sword early and push the damaging swoosh into enemies. Firearm and ammo variety is also nice, though it might need some balancing (crafting provides easy access to some really powerful stuff). A similar crafting system for melee weapons, maybe. The current system just provides temporary melee solutions until you find some better weapons while exploring, and sometimes the weapons I find work fine for another tier or 2.

    Placables Overhaul is nice too. I always wind up filling a room with lockers because they offer the best capacity for the space they take up. I'd use a closet for clothes, but it's huge for only 16 slots (vs 4-6 lockers in the same space, at 16 slots each). The same goes for the fridge. Storage items like these wind up being more cosmetic than functional when they can hold so little for their size.

    Survival Backpacks is a good one, though maybe a fuel system (separate from energy) could be added. Even with the vanilla survival system it feels a bit awkward to have a limitless supply of air. Might have to create consumable refueling items,or maybe small refueling stations on the planet.

    Some aspects of True Melee are nice, though it goes a bit too far with removing some melee weapon classes and all ranged weapons. Aimable spears would be neat. So would the removal of ranged effects for melee weapons (from the electrical orb to the effects on legendary weapons). Every legendary I've found has been ridiculous for the difficulty planet I was on. High damage and elemental efffects are fine, but the addition of ranged attacks that have pretty good range, go through doors, deal significant damage (either in one hit or combined from multiple projectiles), and cost no energy is going a bit too far.

    Would rather see more elements (radiation, plasma, gravity? Iono) than more melee weapons that shoot stuff. Kinda blurs the line between melee and ranged a bit too much. Firearms have the advantage of being aimable, but they consume energy. And why aim when you have a bonehammer? Or a sword that shoots starsplosions? I picked up a starcleaver recently and it just annihilated everything, especially if I could land the melee strike and the projectile on the same target.

    Dying Bucket is neat, more flexible and varied dying in general would help. Could we get primary and secondary colors? All clothing and armor wouldn't have to have them, but it could maybe be possible to define a second set of colors that could be changed separate from the first.

    Variety is the Spice of the Universe and Dungeoneer Dungeons add some nice variety to the game, though I assume vanilla will be getting more variety anyway. Still, some of the content they provide is very cool. Would really like more dungeons in general, I recently ran into that avian dungeon with the two large bird heads on 3 consecutive planets (on the third I just ran right through the entrance, didn't even want to explore it). Is it possible to get some truly random dungeon generation? They don't all need to be specifically themed and carefully assembled (as neat as the current dungeons look). Rooms and hallways with some aliens or bandits or whatever lurking about, and maybe some traps that aren't obvious (like current pits are). Shouldn't be running the same dungeons so frequently.

    Nudity Overhaul removes the welded-on undies from humans (which is silly, and no other race has), and provides some cosmetic items to hide worn gear completely (which could maybe be turned into a toggle for each slot). Without underwear, humans could get customizable eye colors. Undycolor when set to affect the body will also affect the head, so it's just a matter of altering a few pixels. Just give us purchasable underwear if we really want it.

    I agree with a lot of the other suggestions here, these are just the ones I consider my must-have basic additions to vanilla.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  15. AndImAnAlcoholic

    AndImAnAlcoholic Space Hobo

  16. Altuis

    Altuis Intergalactic Tourist

    An option to unlock the x-sector planet levels 10-100, and cool sectors and stuff,
    and the upgradeable spaceships.
  17. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    That carries the very real issue of copyright infringement because Starbound would be a purchased product and Disney has some lawyers that you don't want to go up against. Small references like a hologram of a Deathstar is cool, but going too far will be problematic to say the least.
    Reeddick likes this.
  18. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    As a side facet of Director Mode, we absolutely NEED aMannus's Creative Mode, as it makes spawning in items for server admins so much easier. This mod is even able to spawn randomly generated weapons. It's a perfect admin tool.
  19. Jexel

    Jexel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    XS Corporation Mechs
  20. megaman270

    megaman270 Void-Bound Voyager

    I would want to see the Megaman x mod in starbound

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