New Profile Posts

  1. Shilaila
    Standing around, incubating ideas that I think might be cool to add
  2. Yuseiki
    Hello there!
    1. DrVoodoo
      Hey :v
      Feb 11, 2024
    2. Orange Dreamsicle
      Orange Dreamsicle
      What's up?
      Feb 13, 2024
  3. Acidic Doggo
  4. Orange Dreamsicle
    Orange Dreamsicle
    I'm 40% done with Koichi's favour in Project Ancient Cosmos!
  5. CatDadOfTheYear
    Lay my curses out to rest,Make a mercy out of me.
  6. TheRealF6
    An account.
  7. Viktoroff
    Viktoroff DrPvtSkittles
    Will there be more new mods for game characters?
    1. DrPvtSkittles
      Do you mean like races or clothes?

      I have some in the works, but work is very slow as I don't much much energy these days :P
      Feb 4, 2024
    2. Viktoroff
      (I apologize if the text may not be accurate due to Google Translate.)

      I think races, you make excellent anthro races.
      Feb 8, 2024
      DrPvtSkittles likes this.
    3. DrPvtSkittles
      Thank you! :D
      Feb 17, 2024
  8. that random beeper
    Does anybody knows any tactical weapons and furniture mod?
    1. Orange Dreamsicle
      Orange Dreamsicle
      Corporate Expansion?
      Jan 8, 2024
  10. Orange Dreamsicle
    Orange Dreamsicle
    Have a better new year!
  11. General Nuclear
    General Nuclear
  12. Orange Dreamsicle
    Orange Dreamsicle
    Have a merry Christmas!
  13. Nakano15
    Dead forums.
  14. xogerox
  15. whyheourple
    memento mori.
  16. rl.starbound
    rl.starbound Armok
    Hi, I heard through the grapevine that you thought the Apex intro in my Origins of Species mod might be broken. I've checked it and it works fine in the base game and with my (admittedly small) modpak. However, it's possible there is some other mod conflict I'm not aware of yet. If you have any additional information (especially logs) I'd appreciate it, as these intros _should_ work in pretty much all circumstances.
    1. Armok likes this.
    2. Armok
      Yeah, I tested it out myself on unstable yesterday and it seemed to work fine. I could swear the steam version that was uploaded had the issue though but having just tried it out again, it worked just fine. The issue was basically that the matter manipulator in the Apex intro couldn't be obtained for whatever reason from what I remember.
      Dec 17, 2023
  17. Orange Dreamsicle
    Orange Dreamsicle
    Super Mario in real life.
  18. Nakano15
    Yep... Broken hiatus.
    1. Orange Dreamsicle likes this.
    2. Orange Dreamsicle
      Dec 11, 2023
  19. mikuxmetal
  20. Luna the Traveller Σ
    Luna the Traveller Σ
    Finally came up with a name to replace my now deadname