Digital Ymedron and the art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Ymedron, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Marchmaninov

    Marchmaninov 2.7182818284590...

    amazing stuff !!
    i love the poptop and the dinodragonshapeshifter is awesome!!
  2. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Your hands look good, as the rest of your art does, WHY ARE HANDS SO HARD TO DRAW!?
  3. Thank you guys. <:U!
    (Im not sure if Im doing requests, I think I have forgotten if I had any undone.)
    The image is the same as the one on dA, though. :eek:!
    blind sniper likes this.
  4. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    You're really skilled! :eek:
  5. Hay guise, time for another arting! It's been a while since I posted anything worthwhile at least.

    Long story short, was thinking of an old mmo concept I thought of in like 2008, where, basically, the main focus is dragons. Now, with age and experience, I realize that just straight out dragons are problems, so drakes. Because I bet there are lots of people who'd love to play as dragons or dragonlike things.

    The game would be kind of like a mix between Dark Souls and Borderlands (Skill and tactics are the main focus, and you can play with about 5 other people?) with all the classes viable in solo gameplay, and together having some kind of interesting dynamics. Mages and healers have to stand still or walk in order to use their weapons/magic (The mage holds their staff in their mouth, the healer puts their crossbow on their back), the berserker has buffs and debuffs at their disposal as well as using their claws and teeth in battle + using some kind of magic stones to power their fiery breath, and the fighter is like a rogue/fighter who is really active in battle and jumps and blocks and stuff.
    Reoreosu, Tojo, NewLiar and 2 others like this.
  6. Reoreosu

    Reoreosu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You had me at 'Dark Souls'.... Great artwork! But I have a question, do healers bullets heal for negative damage? ;)
  7. I was thinking that they use magic to heal(The discs?) and the crossbow is to deal damage, because being a healer is the most boring thing in the world. You just watch health go up and down. :U!
  8. Reoreosu

    Reoreosu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Exactly why their bullets need to heal for negative damage! Imagine the narration! 'HEADSHOT - MEGAHEAL!!!'
  9. Well to be serious, it could never happen, as there would be screams of "TEAM FORTRESS RIPOFF" so loud that the moon would need earplugs. :x
  10. Redheat

    Redheat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow! Awesome stuff you got here!
  11. Reoreosu

    Reoreosu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    True, oh so very true.... Well, he could always use the discs in a violent way, I like my healing violent.
  12. Very nice stuff here! That pixel dinosaur is simply amazing.
  13. Bump time!

    Admittedly I already posted this on the novakid thread but I doubt everyone has seen that either. 'tis a glorious design.

    Redesigned a character of mine as an aeon from FF10. He'd be like Yojimbo, as in you have to pay him to attack. Payment amounts would change what kind of attacks he might use, and if you are really stingy he might turn on you instead. Because he is a jerk.

    The dinodragonshapeshifter from way earlier drawn as a female. He's normally pretty feminine, so I made the female version somewhat more masculine to balance it out.

    Lastly, trying desperately to design a werewolf that doesn't look like a literal wolf. Inspired partly by bears, tigers and some ancient predator mammals. On the right was an idea for a wererabbit but I don't think it worked out that well. Will need to think up something better for that.
    NewLiar, Reoreosu, Bamseper and 5 others like this.
  14. Reoreosu

    Reoreosu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That is one awesome Novakid, if I do say so myself.
    That race may be just the race to pull me away from my Avian obsession. ^.^

    Keep up the good work, Yme, and I shall keep up the... thread-stalking?
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    Nice artwork young artist!
    Sadly you are not taking requests..

    -Sir Biron Tinalot-
  16. Khataclysme

    Khataclysme Big Damn Hero

    Impressive !
  17. Thanks folks. :3c
    Yeah, I'm not taking requests since I just can't deal with it. Always feeling like I'm in a terrible hurry.
    I guess I might some day try requests again but I'd have really limited spots so that I'd be able to complete them and move on without having folks come in with new requests. It's unfair for those who don't get the chance, but have to pace yourself at some point.
  18. Cosmicwolf

    Cosmicwolf Phantasmal Quasar

    That Dinosaur Sprite is freaking amazing!!!
    :up::up::up::up::up: 5 Thumbs up from me!
  19. Thank you. :3
    You reminded me that I should put some art up. Not much to post but here:

    Based on a species of grebe.

    Many of my characters are reimaginings of other characters, and this guy is just a different version of that shapeshifter dude. I've been trying to figure how to make the made up world better/less cliche/less troublesome? but this doesn't change much.
    NewLiar, Reoreosu, LukØs and 2 others like this.

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