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Xbox one release

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by iFuuXi3, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. iFuuXi3

    iFuuXi3 Space Hobo

    Hello ! Sorry for my english im french.

    I know , a lot of People have asked for a date or any information , but i look every week on internet and this forum for information since july , and i begining to be very impatient.

    How the game develops ? A team work for the portage on Xbox ? Because i cant play on pc.. do you think that's gonna be in spring 2017? I dont want the 1.2 game on Xbox for the moment , the 1.0 is good ! I just want play ..
    Please answer me , i'm desesperate. Lol.
  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Yes they are still working on it. Molly posted about it on reddit a little while ago, and Tiy mentioned it on twitter a few weeks back.

    It will be done "When it is ready"™
  3. iFuuXi3

    iFuuXi3 Space Hobo

    Can you give me the link for reddit ?

    And i don't have Twitter ..

    I hope that's gonna be soon..

    And thanks for the Answer , if anybody have a new info , i take it !
  4. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    I don't have a link to it.

    This question gets asked like every week.
  5. Littleman9Mew2

    Littleman9Mew2 Zero Gravity Genie

    They're planning on XBONE for Starbound (there's even a file in the PC called Xboxone.config). I want to say "In the future, yes"
  6. iFuuXi3

    iFuuXi3 Space Hobo

    Hope ..

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