Wyrd Organization of Furries

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by OmniGeoff, Jun 4, 2012.

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  1. Catoosie

    Catoosie Heliosphere

    leaving for vacation tomorrow! won't be back for a week! also my birthday is in two days.... bye everyone! have fun!
  2. Noodles

    Noodles Tentacle Wrangler

  3. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Have fun on vacation! And Happy Early Birthday!!! Here's a cookie! :cookie:
    OmniGeoff and Catoosie like this.
  4. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Have a great vacation my friend! And have a happy early birthday! Here's a rock! :rock:
    Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin!
    Catoosie and Arretez like this.
  5. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Again, the alert system didn't tell me this thread was still active. :/
    I'm still alive :D
  6. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Maybe you need to change your alert preferences. ;)
  7. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Nope, everything is ticked.
  8. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    I would like to join!

    Application Form

    Name: Mittgfu normally, Freax161 in Minecraft, Wheely on steam
    Gender: Male
    Age ( Optional ) : 14,5
    Furry/Animal type: Turtle, I know it has no fur but... Turtles are turtles...
    Rank type: Researcher
    Likes/Dislikes: science in generall, and a shitload of games, for example: tf2,mc,terraria,sc2 and so on. (280+ hours in tf2, if anyone cares)
    Why did you join us?: Because, well... Hey, I heard you like tf2! Me too :p
  9. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Accepted! I will update the Thread! I call thee, *drumroll* A fellow WOOFian!
  10. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    Wait wait wait! I decide to be a poisonous animal researcher. If thats ok...
  11. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Animal Researcher? That's okay!
  12. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    I said POISOUNOS animal researcher. I cant live with them when they cant kill me. Got the pun?
  13. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    wut? :cautious:
  14. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    Just make me a researcher of poisonous animals. Nothing more, nothing less. Ok?
  15. Noodles

    Noodles Tentacle Wrangler

  16. Klever Kitsune

    Klever Kitsune Void-Bound Voyager

    Name: Klever Kitsune
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Furry/Animal type: Arctic Fox
    Rank type: Mech Pilot (Pilot in general), Engineer, and Scout.
    Why did you join us?: Looking for a fun group to play with! Also, recommended by Ozymandias.
  17. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's strange, it didn't tell me either today nor yesterday.
  18. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Accepted!!! Thank you Ozy for referring him! I declare you a fellow WOOFian!
  19. Klever Kitsune

    Klever Kitsune Void-Bound Voyager

    Hurray! You guys seem pretty cool! I can't wait to do some gaming with you guys! :3

    I play these games often: League of Legends, Minecraft (like all the time), Spiral Knights, Terraria (rarely), and other games occasionally.
    LoL name: Shael Shadowborn
    Minecraft Name: Platinum_Pickaxe
    Steam Name: Platinum Phoenix
    Spiral Knights: Klever-Kitsune, Platinum-Phoenix, and Snr-Stinky-Cheeks.

    Also I'm pretty friendly so don't be afraid to ask me anything :DD
  20. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Ask you anything you say? Well then, have you ever ridden a black unicorn down the side of an erupting volcano while drinking from a chalice filled with the laughter of small children?
    Codepuppy likes this.
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