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would you play a 3D Starbound?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Mannerlax, Nov 22, 2013.


Super cool or Super stupid?

  1. Super cool

    60 vote(s)
  2. Super stupid

    80 vote(s)
  1. Xyvecius

    Xyvecius Phantasmal Quasar

    What would it look like is most important :D
  2. Von Marlon

    Von Marlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    If Nasa lends me a computer to play it then yes.
    Kawa likes this.
  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    They don't have the funds for really good computers.
  4. Von Marlon

    Von Marlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Humans will never meet the Apex now. :(
  5. Xyvecius

    Xyvecius Phantasmal Quasar

    The last time I remember, NASA computers are lagging.
  6. GameQB11

    GameQB11 Phantasmal Quasar

    of course x100. If this team were to make Starbound in 3d with the same sensibilities, there's no way it couldn't be better. Of course they would need 10x the budget, staff and time- but hypothetically, a 3d Starbound would be awesome.

    No one said it had to look and play exactly like Minecraft. Unless you suffer from motion sickness there is no way exploring a Starbound planet in 3D would be less enjoyable than in 2d. Starbound is only 2d because 3d takes more work and resources. Its almost like asking if Skyrim would work better in 2d. Of course not, but it wouldve been much easier to make.
  7. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I would like Starbound in 3D, yeah.

    Especially since work by AAA developers has already begun into making 3D "Craft" games that don't look like butt.

    A Starbound type game that looks like Everquest Next would be amazing.
  8. TharDrain

    TharDrain Aquatic Astronaut

    3d... with oculus rift! :D
  9. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Well... I can actually imagine the potential of that, I mean, the game could have become one of the most immersive games ever made... still, would hard to imagine a game that would be visually more appealing than Minecraft, with a completely randomized world generation and a descent FPS/system requirements.
  10. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    On the topic of Nasa computers, I believe they actually have an experimental quantum computer. That single computer out powers a good number (likely hundreds, possibly near 1000) of your average PCs combined.
  11. MDoubleM

    MDoubleM Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It depends on how it's made.
  12. It wouldn't appeal to me as much if it was a modern 3D game. Call me old but I miss the classic style of older games and this is a great mix between the two.

    TBH I haven't really played anything new in a while aside from indie releases. I don't own any consoles and I just get the same feeling from these larger releases.
  13. NovaTheKid

    NovaTheKid Big Damn Hero

    i don't quite think any normal computer could process all the millions of planets in starbound in 3d, meaning only the people with the best computers could play with good fps
  14. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Actually, it wouldn't be a big deal. It might require a bit of extra hard drive space to save the planets, but it shouldn't have to continuously check data for each individual planet. The only planets that would have to be checked (even by a server) should only be the planets that actively have players on them.
    DotBeta likes this.
  15. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    I personally prefer starbound the way it is. 3D mining/building/exploring games have there merits, but I personally get a bit cranky at the Z axis if it's not implanted right. Like having hovering items over tables. That really bugs me. The other reasons I like starbound the way it is, is due to it's art style. I feel that would be lost if it was switch to polygons instead of pixels.
    DotBeta likes this.
  16. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Since when did the OP say that 3D means that it isn't pixel art style still? He didn't specify, but so many are assuming that he means HD textures or something. Minecraft is 3D AND pixel art.
  17. Scellow

    Scellow Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would like to see a zelda-like startbound, well Starbound with top-down view
    DotBeta likes this.
  18. ClockworkDreams

    ClockworkDreams Big Damn Hero

    A Voxel based game of this magnitude would probably be insane... and insanely fun.
  19. HedgeFlanders

    HedgeFlanders Big Damn Hero

    Just so people can see what she is saying:
    Megumi and cyberspyXD like this.
  20. LordHavoc

    LordHavoc Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the idea would be great. Randomly generated weapons/armor in 3d, crafting in 3d, boss monsters in 3d, quests in 3d, multiple planets in 3d, mining in 3d, farming in 3d.

    But what about 4d? get that temporal action going eh?
    Megumi likes this.

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