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would you play a 3D Starbound?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Mannerlax, Nov 22, 2013.


Super cool or Super stupid?

  1. Super cool

    60 vote(s)
  2. Super stupid

    80 vote(s)
  1. Inco

    Inco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Super meh.
  2. carcrasher65

    carcrasher65 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cube world in space?
    Starforge with actual features?
    Starmade 2.0?
    Planet Explorers EXTREME?

    I would certainly give the 3D Starbound a shot.
    Athauxan likes this.
  3. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    2.5d appeals more to me :giggle:
  4. Where's the option for stupidly cool?
    Athauxan likes this.
  5. Solomon Darling

    Solomon Darling Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've actually been working on something similar, but unfortunately I had to take a break from that project to prioritize another one. You might see something regarding that in a pretty near future, though :iswydt:

    EDIT: But that's actually interesting, I'd like to hear from more people that would like this idea :)
  6. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    If you mean that it's still 2D as far as side scrolling but the models, characters, and objects and landscapes are all totally 3D then yes...yes I would!
    Solomon Darling likes this.
  7. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    Probably not. The only reason I really got into this game was because at the time it looked like Terraria in space, and Terraria I loved because it was 2D and I enjoy the look of the sprite art.
  8. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Don't get the game is not even out and some one wants a 3D version. As far as I can tell they chose the 2D art style why would they suddenly make it in 3D this late in the process.
  9. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    *cough* weekly updates dont suck *cough*
  10. Renlou

    Renlou Industrial Terraformer

    If it was like CubeWorld in space then yeah. But if it was more like Minecraft in space then no.
  11. Part of Starbound's charm is its 2D pixelated world. If I wanted to play a 3D sandbox game, I'd just play Minecraft.
  12. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    You uh... mean this?

    And here's vehicle creation in Planet Explorers, which can be done in game.
    Landlaw likes this.
  13. Zinerith

    Zinerith Cosmic Narwhal

    I'd keep Starbound in 2D. Personally, 3D Kind of ruins the appeal for me. I'm a platformer gamer.
  14. J-block

    J-block Pay it Forward

    I would like to play Starbound in 2D before I think about that
  15. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    this game is good, but you need a good pc to play.
  16. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks, now I have a new game to contemplate pre-ordering. Looks potentially good.

    On topic:
    Being someone who loves Minecraft, Starbound in 3D would be a lot better. Instead of exploring a 'disk' portion of a planet, you can explore the entire planet! Even more landmass to roam around in.
  17. Lazypeanut

    Lazypeanut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i like the pixelly style so i wouldn't wanna.
    Although i don't think it's a super stupid idea i voted that because thats closest to how i feel about it.
  18. WolfMimir

    WolfMimir Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would find it kinda interesting.
  19. Legacy95

    Legacy95 Void-Bound Voyager

    Use a Texture Pack. :) Or download a Mod. :D
  20. BitHorizon

    BitHorizon Ketchup Robot

    *Shoots at ground with gun, thus propelling self upwards*
    Megumi likes this.

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