Work on monster gen

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    probably, all of the above. i see no reason why they would not act like current fish. for all we know, the only reason current fish do not attack is because they dont have any attacks set.
  2. Coding isn't as simple as that, and you can easily tell that the fish code is not identical to the bird code, just by the way the two types of creatures move.
  3. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    you forgot/do not know. i program. the supposed differences (aside from the restriction of fish to only move freely in water) could esily be explained away by the differences in position of the player character. birds do not "move like" fish because they are almost always above the player. fish are almost always below (and dont have attacks to break up their movement).
  4. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    That dragon.

    PLEASE let us capture flying mobs in the next update. PLEASE.
    critiasConfined likes this.
  5. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    BlueSmoke and critiasConfined like this.
  6. Okay, so what I got from that is: Absolutely nothing of use.
    You're telling me, that birds and fish move just about the same? Is that what you're telling me here? And that the only main differences between the two are:
    A. The restriction of staying within the water.
    B. The location of the animal. Fish below, birds above.

    Apologies if I got that incorrect, by the way. I found it very difficult to read your "programmer" writing. Clearly, I am not a clever man.

    But if what I think is true, you clearly have not played Starbound enough to notice the obvious differences in movement between fish and birds. Either that, or you were completely oblivious to that fact.

    Fish do not move like birds. They point in a certain direction, then turn their face down or up in order to move. They bump into walls, and turn around. They're bouncy. They can leave the water and are then affected by gravity. They are like planes, which always have to keep moving, and can only tilt in order to change their path.

    Birds can hover. They can move in any direction they so choose. They are not affected by gravity at all. They do not have to keep moving. They are like Helicopters. They can move up, down, left, right, forwards and back, without tilting themselves. They can even stay hovering in a single spot.

    In fact, the only similarity between the two movements that I can see, is the fact that both creatures are not affected by gravity most of the time!

    Next, I want to mention that this does not account for some different programming! The programming required for underwater attacks! You really think that all the attacks for underwater creatures will be just those already used by flying ones? It's possible, yes, but I find it unlikely, particularly because of the differences between fish and birds.

    After that, I want to point out that there is also the fact that there will need to be code put in place for the creation and spawning of these creatures. They cannot spawn in areas that smaller fish can, and they may also have more parts than the tiny little fish already in the game, meaning that some code may need to be put in place there!

    And even then! This is only what I can see from what was told to me in this update! And this is also assuming nothing new will be going on with the larger bird creatures!
    There may very well be many different unforeseen complications when adding another creature type into the game. Complications that I never might have thought about, or never thought mattered.

    And finally, I must point out to you that there will probably be a noticeable amount of effort also put into the artistic side of this, not just the programming side. They will need a lot of different parts, not just for the fish, but for the flying creature as well. The parts need to be animated. They need to fit the style of the game. They need to fit together properly.

    And so, with these statements I bring this conversation to a close. Not because I undeniably proved my point or whatever, but because I no longer want to participate in a conversation, where I have to sit and read your post several times, just to figure out what on earth you said. You may quote and rant and yell at me all you like from now on, but be assured, I will not respond to you. It's simply not worth my time.

    Edit: Oh, and may I mention that they're also working on other things, and are in the process of moving. So there's that too.
    Darklight, BlueSmoke, Yzzey and 3 others like this.
  7. CosmicDeathclaw

    CosmicDeathclaw Void-Bound Voyager

    Yea heck as soon as i saw the first one I thought it looked like flygon.
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    The Animation is so Fluid - I wonder if its Rhopunzel's doing
    Her horse is just ridiculously detailed and amazing.

    Darklight and BlueSmoke like this.
  9. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That looks very cool!
  10. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Basiclly this. More animations and detail are fine all snark aside. If they all behave with those four patterns alone though the game will remain fairly lifeless. Every enemy will be those four types, with a few skin and attack differences.
    Mikerlantz and D-16 like this.
  11. Slimy

    Slimy Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't really like the colors they come in. I hope in the future monsters will be able to spawn with a more diverse palette, like the colorbound mod except for monsters.
    Mikerlantz and Yzzey like this.
  12. jahmaica

    jahmaica Poptop Tamer

    super cool
  13. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    thank youfor the update, very nice looking. Please do make new AIs, if only to silence the alleged programmer, who has not even released a single mod, who is constantly complaining about how slow thngs are going.

    Also, please activate ocean biome for us to explore, even if we don't have monsters to slay yet.
    Darklight and Ewok like this.
  14. Kahzel

    Kahzel Big Damn Hero

    oh look, a faceless void fish thing

    i like it
    Ramones_fan likes this.
  15. Themagicjesus

    Themagicjesus Void-Bound Voyager

    Cool, glad to see some more monsters to ignore looking for dungeons. Not to seem negative, I am sure there are different people working on different parts but this does not excite me in the least.

    Neat though.
  16. V M Smith

    V M Smith Phantasmal Quasar

    Precisely what I thought of. THAT'S that song that's now stuck in my head. Luckily I have every episode of MST3K on my HDD.
    Fiben Bolger likes this.
  17. Wolfkit

    Wolfkit Void-Bound Voyager

    MichMedia likes this.
  18. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine

    Looks a bit more like shiny Lugia to me. Color scheme isn't quite right, but no worse compared to flygon.
  19. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    if fish currentpositionblock == "water":
    splash would be the simple ai pattern of flopping around left and right.

    even the bugs kind of confirm fish use reused bird code, see the "flying fish" glitch. i could be wrong, but i do know that a very easy and mostly reliable way to save time coding is to take code that works, then modify it to do what you want. any perceived "differences" in fish/bird behavior can be explained by differences in the animation code (fish pointing), and the fact that birds pause to attack.

    why write new movement code when you can take what you have and activate it only under certain conditions (like being submerged in water)?

    if you think my problems with CF have anything to do with the speed they work, you really need to reread my "body of work".

    also, programming ability and the desire to modify a game are not one and the same.

    furthermore, dont pussyfoot around. just say my name when you mean me. or better yet, dont obliquely reference me at all. totally unnecessary to the point you were making. perhaps i would not be accused of "derailing" if people like you more often resisted the urge to take potshots at me.
    Grimmturd likes this.
  20. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here's something even more coincidental: I have a human named Valentine M. Smith. No shit. That's some spooky grokking, there.
    V M Smith likes this.

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