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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    I don't want to snip this post because it obviously needs to be seen. Can we add this to one of the many "dev's respond to community question threads" in the FAQ section? Which of those would be most appropriate? I mean, I'd like to maintain the notion that the team does respond to the community. I don't want Mollygos' post to get lost somewhere on page 15 of this thread just so that next week someone else starts complaining about a lack of communication.

    Edit: Thanks, Serenity
  2. Sower

    Sower Big Damn Hero

    The only thing that would annoy me would be if they released beta in December. There's 2013 and then there's the very end of 2013. With people waiting every week for a beta announcement, that scenario would be almost (unintentionally) trollish in execution.

    Don't get me wrong though, I've loved everything the devs have shown us so far... well, everything except the ship text labels. They're doing amazing work and I'm sure none of us can really understand how stressful this whole thing has been for them. In any case, I'm sure the devs want the beta out more than we do.
  3. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Sadly it's virtually impossible to please everyone :/ And generally trying to do so is a bad idea :p
  4. primitiveType

    primitiveType Void-Bound Voyager

    lol, this has always bother me for some reason. Particularly because he makes front page of every thread, I always wonder this and never ask.

    Alright Serenity, it's about time you explain yourself!
  5. Sower

    Sower Big Damn Hero

    Well... serenity is an actual word. Mayhaps he hasn't even seen the show/movie.
  6. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    He actually explained that in some thread or the other a day or two ago. IIRC He simply grew attached to the avy and didn't want to switch it :p
  7. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In a way I understand fans that are angry. But I also understand developers not wanting to lean too far out of the window (if that "phrase" exists in English language culture).

    The other posts in this thread became kind of obsolete to me as they seemingly aren't really related to the original topic.
  8. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    To my knowledge it does not. Such idioms generally do not carry from one language to another. It might have an equivalent, but I'm unaware of its existence :)
  9. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    In one word, beautiful.

    Here is hoping it puts to rest some of the more prevalent complaints and rumours around here. (I know, wishful thinking)
  10. JSlade

    JSlade Orbital Explorer

    The opening post was probably the most well written argument I've seen on here against Chucklefish, one that I've wanted to post many many times. Good job on your argument Critwrench. Your post was very well thought out. That's how criticism should be posted.
  11. SPLlT

    SPLlT Big Damn Hero

    I have to agree with Critwrench; I applaud the starbound team for trying to make a great game, but it's starting to hurt them because the longer they take to put out a release, the more potential players lose interest while those who preordered will become more impatient due to Chucklefish's promises of release.
  12. Golin

    Golin Aquatic Astronaut

    Okay, so what you are saying is if people are not posting on these forums or even coming to them they must be happy? There is no way that they might actually be upset? If they don't say anything then they clearly feel however you want them to? I don't post on these forums or visit them much because there is noting to say and is filled with fucking stupid ass people like you who can't even do math.
  13. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Scroll up, Molly answered all his concerns and problems wonderfully. If people are not willing to accept it when they asked for it, we can't help them with their problems
    Trowzers likes this.
  14. TrinityMoon

    TrinityMoon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I quit following Starbound real close once i noticed most of there daily updates were working mostly on less then important features. Especially around the weekends when most people commonly have free time and they worked mostly on the "side projects" that they deemed more important then completing more important features to give us a beta release. Though don't get me wrong some of those were actually really cool. It feels like instead of trying to release a beta Tiy wants to complete all the minor features and then focus on the bigger ones to give us a full release. I remember reading awhile back he was a bit of a perfectionist so it makes sense he would rather release a less then buggy program. I admit some of the features like descriptions and stuff are important, but sometimes it's nice to let the payers of the pre-order view what they have paid for not just tiny bits here and there.

    In the long run though i dont mind i have waited this long I'm just hoping that the wait was worth it. The longer the delay the more expectations people will have towards Starbound and the contents of the game. I have also believed Red from Terraria will probably gain the some of his lost followers with his release of the new update for Terraria especially due to the delay and dissatisfaction people are getting currently from Starbound and the devs. Dont get me wrong though i still can't wait for this game to come out and still think my money went to a good cause so they could work on it faster \^-^/ i guess you could say my views are mixed, but i will support them no matter what. This is the first time i ever per-ordered something other then out of my favorite game series and i will stick with it. In the end this game will be worth the wait it's just the wait that's irritating people. Kinda like the last hr of work or the last day of school before summer vacation it just drags on and your irritated.

    Thanks for the info Mollygos o.ob much appreciated.
  15. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So much justice. Now if people could just stop taking Chucklefish kindness for granted and being spoiled brats we could all actually go back to being a nice and supportive community. I mean we know they're working their asses off, we should help instead of hinder. And we will eventually get an awesome game !
  16. Mizaria

    Mizaria Star Wrangler

    Could we please try to keep things civil? Calling people 'spoiled brats' for voicing what is on their minds doesn't do anything but rile people up.

  17. You'd be helping rather than hindering if you would keep things civil, rather than calling people names.
    Skarn, WoxandWarf, Zody and 9 others like this.
  18. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    Nobody is really taking their kindness for granted and only a few people are being spoiled brats, even people who support the devs viciously are kind of spoiled brats at times. Nobody is really hindering them either, nobody is going to their houses and smashing their computers.
    OzzytheFist likes this.
  19. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    She addressed all his problems, that's true. That doesn't mean that people aren't still allowed to say they agree with the concerns. Her answers to his concerns are apologies and more promises, so only time will tell if his concerns are actually going to be fixed.

    I don't mean this as an insult to Molly or her ability to follow through on her word, but showing support for his concerns is not a bad thing. If she didn't want this to continue to be open for (civil) discussion she would have locked the thread.
    mollygos and TrinityMoon like this.
  20. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    I am in a place that limits my concentration, so for right now I'm going to settle for telling you, the poster of this thread, that I am glad you're supporting frustration with some thought. Part of the reason I'm so willing to side with the dissenting side so often on these forums is because they aren't (usually) just saying "this thing they did was bad."

    They're giving reasons, they're giving thought. So I tip my oversized hat to you, Critwrench. Thank you for being an exemplary member of a community, no matter the capacity.

    I'm going to leave a general statement here to those who don't like the dissent. Please be at least as in-depth with a counter response as the original was. It makes things run smoothly, and I'm looking forward to jumping into this discussion, if at all possible, later today.

    EDIT: Also bear in mind I haven't the ability to dive into the previous responses much here, I'm sure people are being civil and thorough on both sides of the fence.
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