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Which of these do you prefer?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Aug 6, 2013.


Which is your fav

  1. A

  2. B

  1. Dead Squirrel

    Dead Squirrel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree, although I realize this would take some extra gui work. I like B for sure, but could the Air and Heat bars be made draggable to arrange wherever you prefer?
    DaviDeil and DJOkamical like this.
  2. eliotcougar

    eliotcougar Orbital Explorer

    Oups, sorry, it was Armagon...
    Anyway, it's good to read other devs' changelogs and reasoning behind the changes...
    DJOkamical likes this.
  3. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Ohhh ok!
    LastDay and DJOkamical like this.
  4. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Hmm... what if they were pie charts instead?
    DJOkamical likes this.
  5. XANi

    XANi Big Damn Hero

    • Display little icons meaning character is hungry/very hungry/cold/hot close to character portrait (bonus: player can also see their party state and for example see they are hungry so he picks up extra food). It would have to be 2-3 icons for each state so player can at glance see if he have to think abotu getting some food or get it NOW or die
    • Display actual bars when player opens inventory/stat screen
    That way it won't obstruct anything in normal gameplay, still alert player about dangerous condition, and have quick option to see exact value

    As for oxygen, I feel "up center" is best as its easily accessible location to look at without moving eyes from "action"
  6. eliotcougar

    eliotcougar Orbital Explorer

    In the latest blog-post it's been said that the HUD will be defined in JSON format... That probably means "utterly modifiable"...
    DJOkamical likes this.
  7. Sower

    Sower Big Damn Hero

    Option B is the better of the two, but I didn't vote for either. There should be an option C where the food bar appears intermittently at the bottom (like with the other two meters) when you're hungry. At a certain hunger point it would just stay always on until you eat or starve to death.

    It doesn't really fit at the top left as shown in option B (when compared to the health and energy bars.)


    edit: maybe it would be better if the hunger bar was aligned with health/energy in option B.
    DJOkamical and Diagnosan like this.
  8. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Oh, haha. I had them mixed up. :l I like A better. Now my post before doesn't make as much sense.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  9. failcake

    failcake Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Opinion A, being at the center it calls your attention to it. At least it calls to me :3
    DJOkamical and JuDelCo like this.
  10. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    Could we not have hunger as a third bar for option b?
    DJOkamical likes this.
  11. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    I like A. Skulls are awesome. Specially when they happen to other people :3
    DJOkamical likes this.
  12. ktb537

    ktb537 Space Penguin Leader

    Well I guess I will be an exception... Voted A but I can't really explain why, found it better that's all... :D
    DJOkamical likes this.
  13. eliotcougar

    eliotcougar Orbital Explorer

    Feelings and intuition may lie to you... Don't think about aesthetics... Think about usability and noticeability... UI doesn't have to be beautiful, but it definitely must be able to communicate with the player well... It's the matter of virtual life and death...
    DJOkamical likes this.
  14. Flickan

    Flickan Poptop Tamer

    I like A more than B. However I think it would be better to include both in the game and let the player choose which one to use.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  15. Kalico

    Kalico Guest

    I think option B is the best of the given options. I like less clutter on my screen, and since it seems like breath and temperature bars will only come into play in extreme circumstances (underwater and in freezing/burning environments). The hunger meter is nice to have onscreen since it would be something that you constantly need to monitor.

    However I will say that I like the ability to see a visual status of my well-being at all times, so perhaps option B could be supplemented with a visual effect to show temperature? Maybe the player's portrait in the top left could get iced over (gain a blue tint, or even display icicles covering the portrait). Perhaps there could be a shiver effect, where the player would visually show they are getting cold (animated shiver lines around the character?). This way it isn't just another bar, and you can still get a reading on your general well-being without more screen clutter.
    DJOkamical and eliotcougar like this.
  16. Dahoga

    Dahoga Phantasmal Quasar

    A is definitely more creative, but I would prefer B.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  17. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I have the same problem as most people, I think A looks much nicer but the description of how B will work sounds much better.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  18. ktb537

    ktb537 Space Penguin Leader

    As far as I see it, A is more about the usability 'cause you will have all infos all the time... B is more aesthetics, since the bottom is UI-free.

    Also, B is more beautiful than A and yet, I rather like A.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  19. kreekgod

    kreekgod Phantasmal Quasar

    B is better, i had trouble identifying what everything was in A at first, however, the temperature and breath bars should pop up at the top, under the inventory bar, or alternatively, under the food bar

    alternatively, why not make the UI configurable? put things where ever the player feels like, perhaps you should have to visit a specific window in options to move things about so it doesn't happen accidentally during play
    DJOkamical likes this.
  20. Option B Mister Tiyuri !

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