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Which of these do you prefer?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Aug 6, 2013.


Which is your fav

  1. A

  2. B

  1. setq

    setq Void-Bound Voyager

    To be honest, I think they both clutter the screen, more importantly, I think the meters feel unnatural to the rest of the ui, especially on the bottom. Maybe re-position the breath meter under health and energy bar and move the option A meter directly under the action bar.
  2. Pencil Shavings

    Pencil Shavings Void-Bound Voyager

    Or, have both bars separate, one on either side of the hotbar.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  3. Sowaka

    Sowaka Phantasmal Quasar

    Okay, but what does it mean? In the mockup am I at "full" heat or am I too hot? How fast am I cooling off? Am I going to have to look at that bar constantly to judge how fast I'm losing heat? Am I losing heat because I just entered a really cold zone or because the cold weather has had a cumulative effect over the past hour? Simply adding arrows that show the speed of heat loss would answer all of these questions. Adding arrows won't make it complicated, it's still simple.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  4. Quenton

    Quenton Phantasmal Quasar

    Most certainly B. Has a good feel to it. ​
    Food bar is not bothersome. Temperature and breath pop-up bars also act like an alert of sorts, bringing your attention to a situation.​
    DJOkamical likes this.
  5. Trigger

    Trigger Aquatic Astronaut

    B because it just looks better.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  6. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    B has an additional pro not recognized (at least not that I saw) that when a bar pops up it grabs your attention, which is beneficial if you are using breath, or getting cold. I like that best.
  7. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    B is for Beta witch nearly done, and B is for the choice I chose.
    DJOkamical and Ronoroa Zoro like this.
  8. Patchumz

    Patchumz Pangalactic Porcupine

    What if in B, instead of the bars popping up at the bottom, they popped up below the food meter? I mean, you don't wanna clutter the area over there, but that's why they are hidden most of the time. Hunger is always showing, and the other two pop up as needed under the food meter, and then a keybind to show them anytime.

    If we're going to focus our attention somewhere, might as well keep it all in the same general area, so we don't have to monitor multiple areas of the screen for vital information like those bars.
    Silican Beat and DJOkamical like this.
  9. Quenton

    Quenton Phantasmal Quasar

    That's probably because the food bar popped up every time you started to get hungry. Thus, you got used to it happening when there was no emergency yet. Thus, you got to where you wound up ignoring it.

    That's why I like option B.

    In real life, we hardly think about our environment when we're comfortable. It will work with natural human thinking if those bars only pop up when something might actually need our attention, right?
    DJOkamical likes this.
  10. eliotcougar

    eliotcougar Orbital Explorer

    I've heard that Tiy is reading changelogs of other games... Cool...
    IMO, the main idea about the UI should be that elements that are vitally important should be more visible than less important ones... Health, Energy shield, Armor integrity, Hunger, Breath, Status effects, Body temperature are all definitely very important for you staying alive...
    If some parameters become critically important (starving, poisoned, almost frozen, almost out of breath, almost dead) the UI elements should attract attention by all means possible: flashing, shaking, sound cues and whole-screen effects...
    DJOkamical likes this.
  11. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    b, a would get in the way DX
    DJOkamical likes this.
  12. I like option C.

    But in actuality, I like A design-wise, though B would probably be more practical.
    DJOkamical, St Fonz and imrevned like this.
  13. Kicooi

    Kicooi Void-Bound Voyager

    Why not both? Have an option to arrange the GUI to your own personal preference.
  14. Ronoroa Zoro

    Ronoroa Zoro Astral Cartographer

    Option C , always the best xDDDD
    MCZleap and DJOkamical like this.
  15. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    I like option A, but instead of having them always up maybe a small alert arrow telling you the meters need attention and they'll be toggled with the 'Status Key' for nameplates. If they're in the red you can have them go to 'always on'
    DJOkamical likes this.
  16. B is certainly better, I hope you'll add some kind of alert sound/visual so the player notices the bars appearing?
    DJOkamical likes this.
  17. Broken-Steel

    Broken-Steel Title Not Found

    B, I like having an open screen when I don't need that info. Plus it's convenient to have the rest of the info next to each other.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  18. Insignia

    Insignia Zero Gravity Genie

    Option A I don't like stacking bars keep as low as possible
    Or on option B make the bottom bars side by side?
  19. boni

    boni Aquatic Astronaut

    To be honest, I prefer none of those, or rather: a bit different.

    I'd take B, and move the two bars from the bottom to the top (where the air is in A). Having those at the bottom feels kinda awkward. The human attention "line" thingie goes from top left to bottom right; it's much more noticable at the top than at the bottom, and since you're used (or you could say, people are trained) to look "up" for UI-Information anyway... I'd say it'd feel more natural.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  20. Osmedirez

    Osmedirez Phantasmal Quasar

    B as the default sounds best, however I would not mind the ability to set some sort of option to have a temp gauge on screen at all times for testing purposes. (ie, testing the effectiveness of different types of cold/heat? mitigation in different scenarios)

    Preferably not by taking up a slot (tech? or gadget?) that is just inventory clutter. ^_^ Thanks.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  21. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    LastDay and DJOkamical like this.

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