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What will you be listening to in game?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DotBeta, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. The Starbound sountrack is amazing, I listen to it daily while playing other games or just cooking/cleaning/hanging around the house. With that said I'm sure there are some of us out there that plan on listening to our own home made playlists. Not only that but with having musical instruments in game that you can use to compose your own in game music, start bands AND hold concerts!

    That brings the question, what will you be listening to while grinding for gear/mats or just chilling out?

    I'm an avid audiophile so I don't really put up walls when it comes to music diversity. I'm sure I'll be listening to Stargaze like M83, Grimes & Pogo while solo exploring. Nero & Avalanches when I'm playing in a group, classic rock like Journey when I'm in a silly mood. I don't think I have to mention Daft Punk ;).

    But one song I really feel like converting into an in game tune to play is Steam Powered Giraffes 'HoneyBee,' it's super lax and has that lonely cowboy tone I love. I can really see myself sitting out in the desert biome at night by a fire twanging away this tune with my guitar, hopefully with a few friends.

    Perfect Glitch tune since they're steam powered robots ;). Might not be everyone's thing but I like it. Saw them play at a steampunk convention and my girlfriend at the time was in love with em :geek: so now it's a lonely Glitch cowboy song ;).

    So.. What do you plan on listening to while exploring the Starbound universe?
    Tleno, Jonesy and Riokan like this.
  2. Wow, nobody really? People here are usually clambering to post in new threads, don't be shy. It would be nice to see what everyone listens to and maybe hear a few groups I've never heard before.
  3. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    You created the thread 20 minutes ago, be patient a little... :rolleyes:
    Farathil and Jonesy like this.

  4. I'm watching like 5 other threads getting spammed in general and this one's almost at the bottom of the page lol. Consider it a bump, anyways it was worth a shot.
  5. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Everyone will be here soon, as I said, relax.
  6. Dr.Narwhal

    Dr.Narwhal Big Damn Hero

    Katamari on the rocks. On loop. Every time I play the game.

    DaviDeil, Jonesy and DotBeta like this.
  7. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't often listen to music when i'm playing these days (I like music, don't get me wrong, it's just not a big part of my life). So likely it will be the soundtrack until it starts to bug me, and then just the TV in the background as usual.

    Probably the most boring answer in the world, but generally that's what I listen to. :p Mostly because having no sound at all in the background is worse to me than listening to in-game music for the 50th time.
    claudekennilol and DotBeta like this.
  8. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    This Obviously.
  9. Affero

    Affero Contributor

    That song is great, thanks! :) Would fit the dessert perfectly
    DotBeta likes this.
  10. Thanks :D

    @Dr.Narwhal lmao I remember playing katamari damacy back in the day, that tune would go perfect with SB but on loop I'd be afraid of getting dementia :zombie:

    Loxy likes this.
  11. Johan

    Johan Phantasmal Quasar

    Starbound OST, is perfect to this game :iswydt:
  12. imrevned

    imrevned Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I haven't listened to any of the Starbound OST, at least not intentionally, so I can have the FULL EXPERIENCE! :O
    DotBeta and Jonesy like this.
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Probably just the built-in soundtrack. Maybe as an experiment, I'll try the Starcraft and Deus Ex ones as well.

    Edit: Samples.

    Servilus and DotBeta like this.
  14. Starbound soundtrack... or some kick ass death metal.
    Who knows *shrugs*
    Jonesy and DotBeta like this.
  15. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    Definitely Instrumental fantasy for my Floran.
    Celtic metal for my Glitch.
    Two steps from hell as either a Hyotl or a Avian. Haven't decided yet.
    I like to immerse myself as much as possible for the culture I am in. So it varies sometimes.
  16. Skudge

    Skudge Void-Bound Voyager

    I know! THIS!

    As for me, this shall be my jam. The jam to end all slams.
    Marche100 and Riokan like this.
  17. backstabbeth

    backstabbeth Pangalactic Porcupine

    The starbound soundtrack is already some of the most awesome VG music out there... so yeah, Ill be listening to the game.
  18. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    The lamentations of their women.
  19. Hebephryo

    Hebephryo Phantasmal Quasar

    All this space...thing reminds me about one great song.Satelites and astronauts by In flames.So,maybe it doesn't fit to the game but I will listen to some melodic death metal.
  20. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Um, the soundtrack!!

    Cuz it's awesome
    Jonesy, Terran, Gilley and 1 other person like this.

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