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What race will you choose for your first run on Starbound?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Trixmay889, Aug 25, 2013.


What race will you choose?

  1. Apex?

  2. Avian?

  3. Human?

  4. Hylotl?

  5. Glitch?

  6. Floran?

  7. Novakid?

  1. jaymee_murder

    jaymee_murder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Boring :p
  2. Kholdwyn

    Kholdwyn Void-Bound Voyager

    The short answer, human. They tends to be my go to for immersion purposes. I wouldn't call them boring, classic is a better word :p

    I will eventually make a floran character for a second play through.
  3. Edorath

    Edorath Void-Bound Voyager

    Glitches ftw. Amusingly enough they remind me of warhammer 40K, albeit that's not the reason i chose em.
  4. phichikapparho

    phichikapparho Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im going to be apex simply because ive made all the other races other than human and apex.

    Dont really know why im so adverse to being a human in videogames. But I am.
  5. Elitarymouse

    Elitarymouse Master Chief

    I would choose Floran, but my first character was Novakid, I still have this char. :3
  6. balegrim

    balegrim Big Damn Hero

    Human 4 lyfe.
  7. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    I used to like Floran until I learned the story of Florstab. What a waste of knowledge

    Maybe Avian or Glitch. High tier glitch armor looks terrible though. Did they grow multiple eyes or something?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  8. BloodyMonarch

    BloodyMonarch Astral Cartographer

    I don't like the high tier Glitch armor either. I much prefer Apex's "Frontliner" design when it comes to dark knight looking armor.

    I'll be playing through as Hylotl for the final time once 1.0 hits. Then I'll probably go Apex after.
  9. Sh4dowWalker96

    Sh4dowWalker96 Big Damn Hero

    Kinda. Each set of eyes is a separate head.
  10. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    So did the glitch grow multiple brains too then? Sounds dumb
  11. Skelozard1

    Skelozard1 Phantasmal Quasar

    Because you're a human in real life and video-games are meant to be an escape from reality? xd
  12. Sh4dowWalker96

    Sh4dowWalker96 Big Damn Hero

    Nope, they're the heads of old Glitch, one or two of the sets claims to have an ancient one iirc.
  13. SssssuperFloran2004

    SssssuperFloran2004 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hylotl beacause.... feesh.... :hylotl:

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